  • 學位論文


A Study of Multi-Dimensional Competition In Retail Chain Store Industry - From Supply Chain Management and Game Theoretic Point of View

指導教授 : 巫和懋


面臨與跨國公司競爭,我國的零售連鎖通路業在流通領域中參與國際合作與競爭的激烈程度將遠遠大於現在與過去。本研究以供應鏈管理理論及賽局理論為基礎進行在零售連鎖通路產業中企業體的整體競爭探討。 企業(理性經理人)可思考重新改變整個產業的賽局,以更有利的競合關係Co-opetition,把餅做大為上策。以互補(complement)取代競爭(competition)的競合(Co-opetition)角度來思考產業價值網中每一個參賽者的角色,如策略聯盟即可結合各方競爭優勢產生產業中供應鏈管理的綜效,提升企業在更大市場中的整體競爭力,並可避免在小市場中進行價格戰陷入囚犯困境,導至惡性競爭減少獲利的經營結果。 以3C(consumer、computer、communication)產業中海爾集團與燦坤集團的策略聯盟為例,由燦坤替海爾代工小家電,海爾提供3C白色家電給燦坤的零售通路販售,就是藉由擴大供應鏈(台灣+中國)來強化彼此在3C產業的整體競爭力。 在3C產業供應鏈中,由於各企業集團紛紛進行多角化的擴張,造成很多業者在同一產業的供應鏈上同時扮演製造商及零售連鎖通路商的雙重角色。如幈除同業的緊張競爭關係,進化為雙贏的競合關係,發揮企業在供應鏈中製造及零售通路綜效的極大化,整合出最有競爭力的獨特供應鏈,才是零售連鎖通路產業長久且持續的競爭優勢。


Facing the competition from the other transnational companies from the world, the retail chain store industry in Taiwan is more critical. This study is base on the research of the competitive advantage in retail chain store industry from supply chain management and game theory’s point of view. Company (rational managers)can consider to re-define structure of the game in the industry. By using the better concept of re-create the pie through co-opetition relationship in their supply chain management of the industry. From the co-opetition relationship point of view to choose better strategy of complement in stead of competition with the other players in the supply chain. To collaborate with the other parties’ advantage from the supply chain, will enhance the compatibility of the company in bigger market, and also prevent losing profit from price war with competitor. The strategic alliance between Haier Group and Tsann-Kuen (TK) group in 3C (consumer, computer, communication) industry is an example of co-opetition relationship in 3C industry supply chain. TK offer small appliance product to Haier. Haier offer 3C white appliance to TK3C retail chain stores. They strength their competence by close collaborating in supply chain management, and further more extend their market to great china market. Many companies extend their business by diversification; therefore many of them will act not only supplier but also retailer to end users in 3C supply chain in Taiwan. To integrate and develop the unique advantage and synergy from the other player from the supply chain management is a better strategy than taking price war in 3C retail chain store industry. The competitive advantage of co-opetition from the supply chain management is the sustainable advantage to the company.


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