  • 學位論文

臺灣鄉村地區「造節運動」現象之研究 -農產品銷售事件為例-

指導教授 : 孫樹根


當前臺灣鄉村地區各式各樣的「農產品節慶」紛紛如煙火綻放般地此起彼落,炫麗奪目,令人驚奇讚嘆不已;然配合農產品銷售的「造節運動」正蓬勃興起,也正迅速殞落。在這方興未艾之際,本研究欲探討在「農產品節慶」的各種現象,包括其文化、正當性、商品化、全球化以及永續性問題,並借引布希亞的符號與消費理論來論述。 本研究採行質的研究法,經由文獻探討與個案討論的方式,交叉比對傳統節慶與「造節運動」所產生的現代節慶有何不同。首先,針對「傳統」節慶作文獻上的描述分析,並且分別由傳統與現代兩者不同的角度討論節慶的本質,以布希亞的符號與消費理論來詮釋臺灣鄉村地區農產品節慶的產生與陷入的困境。個案討論以宜蘭縣三星鄉的「蔥蒜節」為例,對「現代」農業節慶作個案上的敘述探討分析,最後就正當性與全球化問題進行討論,並依此論述來綜合檢驗「造節運動」現象的永續問題。 現今鄉村地區的造節運動,皆以農產品冠上節慶名稱進入消費社會體系,藉此建立品牌形象,銷售農產品。以布希亞的理論解釋了「農產品節慶」在消費社會的符號應用,卻也讓我們對其未來與展望充滿了疑問與傷感,符號的運用帶領著農產品藉由與文化結合來廣告行銷,卻也不知不覺地賦予其必須永續發展的歷史宿命。


造節運動 節慶 布希亞


Facing the phenomenon of Agricultural Festivals overflowing in Taiwan, such as Onion Festival and Lotus Festival, we begin to wonder that whether it is a right way or not. Whether the so-called “Festival Creating Movement” will lead the agricultural development to a bright way? Or resulting in self-destruction? Since the title “Festival” is crowned, why so many created festivals cannot last long or be interrupted simply due to the factors of financial and manpower shortages? We refer to the theory of Jean Baudrillard to explain the phenomenon. “Festival” is a label, which is used to advertise and promote the agricultural goods, trying to enrich the cultural meanings at the same time. However, if the agricultural goods choose the way in order to enter the consumption system, they have to face the cruel market rules. It means that they have to run the “festival” like an enterprise: pour in funds to research, development, advertisement, etc. Or someday when people’s interest fade away and the fashion can no longer arouse their buying desire, the festivals are meant to extinguish. An artificial festival also causes other problems. Who has the right to name it? Would all of us agree to it? Does it have any law foundations? Won’t it be any cultural alienation? All the questions are discussed in this thesis.


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Featherstone, M.(2000),《消費文化與後現代主義》,劉精明譯,南京:譯林。
Rousseau, J. J.(1999),《社約論》,徐百齊譯,台北:商務。


