  • 學位論文


A Study on Business Models and Promotion Strategies of the Mobile Application Service Industry

指導教授 : 孫雅麗


根據WEF公佈之全球資訊國力調查,2005年我國已是全球第七名,顯示出我國具備完善的資通訊基礎建設,人民對於數位化產品的接受度高,然而在這樣的基礎下,台灣數據服務的普及率卻不高,收入的比例遠低於日、韓等國,特別是行動應用服務的收入,更是乏善可陳,其中一個重要原因乃是,行動電話業者,在整個產業價值鍊中,佔盡資源上的優勢,語音收入的高獲利率,導致於加值應用服務推出的卻步,影響了整個行動應用服務產業的發展。 3G行動電話網路佈建的漸趨綿密,各種不同的無線寬頻技術亦漸趨成熟,經濟部工業局所推出之無線寬頻示範計畫及各地方政府大力建設的行動城市,佈建了大量的WiFi網路,再加上M-Taiwan計畫, WiMAX之建設,導至於行動寬頻接取的多元化,自由競爭市場的來臨,迫使產業價值鍊的重整,將對整體行動應用服務產業的發展帶來正面的效益。 我國資通訊產業在國際上扮演舉足輕重之角色,與資通訊產業息息相關的行動應用服務業是否可能複製此一經驗與模式,藉由國內市場為試鍊,成功的帶給人們真正需要的行動應用服務,建立具國際競爭實力之產業,並與現有產業強項 相結合,輸出海外市場,創造雙贏的局面。 整體而言,面對不確定的應用服務需求、變動的技術、以及蛻變中的營運模式,廠商如何在產品、市場範疇、與經營模式上進行策略選擇?而不同營運模式的關鍵資源如何掌握?這些議題均影響產業未來的發展。 本研究範圍包含整個行動應用服務產業,探討各種經營運式,並以鑽石模型為理論基礎,透過個案探討及深入訪談,分析我國行動應用服務產業的產業競爭力,及整體產業發展的策略建議。


According to the latest Global Information Technology Report, release by the World Economic Forum(WEF), Taiwan ranked 7th worldwide in terms of the e-readiness perspective. Thanks to the solid ICT infrastructure, Taiwan citizens are ready for the digitalization age. However, because Taiwan mobile operators dominate the resources, and enjoy the profits from the fixed-line and mobile voice services, they are not motivated to promote more value-added applications, so the mobile data service is still not popular in Taiwan. With the emerging communication technology getting matured, Taiwan government formulated the national ICT project such as “Wireless Broadband Demonstration Project,” and “M-Taiwan Project,” in order to solve the so called “Last-mile” issue and promote the ICT related industries. For the years to come, there are challenges and opportunities ahead of us. How to utilize the Taiwan experience to lead the industry on products selections, business model, and market differentiation are key factors to keep Taiwan’s mobile application service industry competitive in the new millennium. This paper covers the Taiwan mobile application service industry with in-depth case study, through the analysis of the core competence of mobile service industry, and to propose the development strategy.


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[4] WiMAX Forum
[8] Gartner
[1] 吳善同,民94,「尋找前往4G之路—韓國WiBro發展現況」,資策會MIC,2005 年8月


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