  • 學位論文


Political and Economic Analysis of Total Defense Education in Taiwan,1949~2005

指導教授 : 蕭全政


摘要 我國全民國防教育的形式與內容,深受以國家為中心的內外政經體制的影響。本文嘗試以歷史結構論的觀點,從國內政經變遷、兩岸關係及後冷戰結束的全球化走向,分析戰後全民國防教育體制的內涵與變遷,從而探討「威權時期」、「民主轉型時期」與「民主鞏固時期」全民國防教育的動態變遷。 自1949年宣布戒嚴起,到1987年解除戒嚴止,為「威權時期」。政府採取威權主義的黨國體制,政治力強力介入政經社會各階層領域,國家機關明顯支配、主導整體的社會變遷發展。當時的歷史背景與時空因素推波主導,全民國防的基礎自然生成,並內化於生活中,形成中心思想。兩岸之間雖然緊張對峙,劍拔弩張,但民眾知敵也防敵,具有強烈憂患意識,隨時準備為護衛國家生存而犧牲。兩岸之間呈現危機對峙,但相對穩定的格局。 1987年解嚴後,迄2000年民進黨勝選,完成政黨輪替,為民主轉型時期。此一時期,國家公權力放鬆,擴大社會的政治參與,經濟政策亦尊重市場機制,由管制到開放,解嚴後的市民社會蓬勃開展,個人自由觀念與多元價值,持續衝撞體制與各種規範,導致國家意識與全民國防的弱化。 2000年政黨輪替以後迄今,為民主鞏固時期。我國全民國防則在中國崛起、「後九一一時期」反恐時代的來臨、國際合作趨勢及兩岸各種經濟、學術密切交流情形下,呈現「民不知危」的現象。 本文從以上三個時期的政經變遷,切入軍事教育、社會教育及學校教育層面,深入探討我國「全民國防教育」呈現的現象,希望發現影響「全民國防教育」變遷的政經脈絡,思考國防教育的方向。 2005年2月,我國「全民國防教育法」公布實施,對全民國防教育的研究及重視程度,有漸漸上升的趨勢,顯見未來的「全民國防教育」將是國防安全的主流價值。本文研究之結論與發現,將提供全民國防教育主管機關參考,期以前瞻、革新的作為,建構我國「全民國防教育」的體系與內涵,提升國家綜合國力。


ABSTRACT The content and status of national defense education in Taiwan are deeply influenced by nation-centric internal and external political and economic systems. This article attempts to analyze the implications and changes in the post-war national defense education system from the perspective of historical structuralism and in terms of globalization trends such as domestic political and economic changes, cross-strait relations and post-Cold War relations. Based on these perspectives, this study provides in-depth discussion on the development of national defense education during the Martial Law Era, the Era of Democratic Transformation, and the Era of Democratic Consolidation. The Martial Law Era refers to the period from the declaration of martial law in 1949 to its abolition in 1987. During this time, the government adopted an authoritarian party-state system, during which political power strongly intervened at all levels of political, economic and social arenas. Government organizations clearly dominated the development of societal change. At the time, factors such as historical background, time and space were catalysts that naturally led to the foundations of the “total defense” concept, which was internalized into mainstream thought. Taiwan and China were at daggers and the citizenry was already well aware of the enemy and national defense. It was a period of great hardship as people were at all times ready to sacrifice for their country. However, despite the threat of confrontation cross-straits relations remained quite stable. After the lifting of martial law in 1987 and up until the election of the DPP in 2000, power had completely transferred hands marking the Era of Democratic Transformation. In this period, state power had been relaxed as political participation was extended throughout society, and economic policy adhered to market mechanisms. During the transformation from state control to relative freedom after the end of martial law, civil society began a stage of vigorous development. The concepts of individual liberty and diversity of values were in constant collision with the previous system and standards, thereby weakening national identity and “total defense.” The period from the transfer of power in 2000 to the present is referred to as the Era of Democratic Consolidation. Taiwan’s “total defense” came about as China suddenly appeared on the horizon and the age of anti-terrorism came about in the post-911 era. International cooperation trends and the occurrence of various intimate cross-straits economic and academic exchanges resulted in a citizenry much less aware of potential security threats. This study probes the three levels of military education, social education and school education based on the political and economic changes during the above three eras, and provides in-depth discussion of the emergence of “total defense education” in Taiwan. The purpose of this research is to uncover the main political and economic trends that influence change in “total defense education,” and to reflect on the direction of national defense education. Taiwan’s “Total Defense Education Act” was promulgated in February 2005. A gradual increase in the extent of research and emphasis given to “total defense education” highlights the potential for “total defense education” to become a mainstream value of national security in the future. The conclusions and findings in this research will be provided as a reference to competent authorities responsible for “total defense education.” It is hoped that vision and innovation toward the establishment of a “total defense education” system will lend a hand in strengthening national power.




