  • 學位論文


Map Concepts and Skills in Geography Curriculum Standards for K-12

指導教授 : 賴進貴


地圖是呈現空間資訊最有效的方式,也是日常生活中的重要工具。是以地圖知識和技能是中小學地理教育的重要主題。大部分的教學是依循教科書內容來進行,由歷年教科書顯示,地圖概念多寡取捨不一,影響地圖技能的教學。本研究目的在於提出一套地圖知識技能架構,做為未來課程標準訂定之參考。 本研究採內容分析法針對台灣、美國、新加坡、日本、中國、英國等國之課程標準進行比較分析,透過各國地圖知能標準內容共同概念及差異概念的內容分析,試圖找尋其學習層次及共同概念,並將Meyer(1973)地圖學習架構融入地理資訊部分,轉換成能力指標的形式,達成地圖學習指標架構的建立。這個指標架構包含七大能力向度,分別是:地球與地球儀技能指標、定位能力指標、地圖基本概念能力指標、定向與量測能力指標、地圖符號能力指標、地圖繪製能力指標、地圖使用能力指標。每一個能力指標由數個分項能力指標所構成。 所提出的初步架構再經由專家問卷評估,並依據專家意見進行編修後,確認中小學的地圖學習架構。這項架構劃分出國中與高中的地圖能力及進入中學階段前的先備知識。在核心能力部分,小學階段的地圖知能教學重點在於「具體操作」,以能夠知道何謂地圖為主;國中階段注重各種地圖概念的理解,涵蓋七種能力向度中的重要地圖概念;高中階段強調培養學生的綜合評估能力,能夠在生活中依據需求運用地圖。本研究所提出之地圖能力指標可以提供制訂課程標準之參考,各分項能力指標可以提供教師教學時彈性使用,提升現代國民所需的地圖知識技能。


Map is the most effective way to present the spatial information and is also an important tool in the daily life. Thus, map knowledge and skill are important subjects in geography education of elementary and middle schools. By comparing different editions of textbooks in the past years, I find that the selected map concepts among these textbooks are inconsistent. However, the geography teaching in Taiwan mainly relies on the text book. The objective of this research is to propose a map knowledge and skill framework to provide curriculum standards-setting reference materials for the future. This study focuses on analyzing the map ability or concepts defined in grade k-12 consistent geography curriculum standards developed by Georgia, Connecticut, South Dakota and Texas states, geographical course standard of middle school over the years in Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, China, and Britain. In addition, a comprehensive discussion of the map knowledge and the skills for social studies or the standards of the geography curriculum in the Countries is also presented in this study. By analyzing the common and different concepts in the contents of the map ability in the above countries, the map learning framework proposed by Meyer (1973) is re-established through the integration of geography information and is further transformed to several indicators which would be adopted in the framework. This framework consists of seven dimensions: (1) map and globe skill, (2) locational ability, (3) map basic concepts, (4) direction and measurement ability, (5) symbolization ability, (6) mapping ability, and (7) the ability of map use. Every dimension is composed of several indicators. Map learning framework is evaluated by the experts through questionnaire. According to experts’ opinions and statistical analysis of the returned questionnaire, the framework is modified and confirmed. The framework divides map abilities as the required knowledge about map during the elementary schools, middle schools and high schools. In the kernel competency, map ability focuses on concrete operations and what is map during elementary. During middle school years, map ability emphasizes understanding various map concepts and contains important concepts in seven dimensions. The map ability focus on developing students’ synthesis and evaluation and making use of map in life during the high school years. This study provides a flexible framework that could be used as the reference materials when defining the map learning indicators by curriculum standard-setting panel.




