  • 學位論文


The life image of the female shift workers – The ones with children under age twelve as examples

指導教授 : 洪鎌德


本論文將從女性輪班工作者的勞動經驗出發,也就是針對其勞動參與的意願、工時安排之彈性配置機制進行了解,並針對其勞動經驗所造成個人生活經驗作分析,最後分析其輪班勞動經驗下的感受與看法,以勾勒出女性輪班工作者的生活圖像,進而作為台灣未來制定輪班工作勞動政策之參考。故本研究之目的如下: 一、瞭解女性輪班工作者進入輪班制之因素。 二、瞭解女性輪班工作者工作時間之安排與配置。 三、瞭解輪班制對女性輪班工作者個人生活之影響。 四、瞭解女性從事輪班工作之主體感受。 本研究以女性主義認識論為起點,針對45位從事交替輪班工作且育有12歲以下子女的已婚婦女進行深入訪談,並以紮根理論作為資料分析的方法,透過下面四個面向勾勒出女性輪班工作者的生活圖像。 ㄧ、在「勞動參與的因素-經濟需求下被迫選擇」的分析中:經濟因素是她們勞動參與的最主要因素,不論是未婚時必須工作的普遍現象,或是已婚時雙薪家庭的需求,皆促使她們必須進入輪班工作。再者,本研究除認為「薪資較高」是重要的考量因素外,公家機關、大醫院、大公司的工作穩定,其實也是非常重要的原因且具有重要的加分效果,它可以掩蓋輪班的負面影響。除經濟因素是已、未婚都考量到的原因外,家庭因素也是受訪者婚前、婚後都會面臨到的因素考量,主要是因為社會化過程將使得女性被教化為照顧角色的執行者,促使女性在進入勞動市場的同時,也無法拋卻女主內的照顧責任。因之,結婚就是一個很重要的分水嶺。至於再度進入輪班的受訪者還是會盡量尋找「輪班機率較少、工作負荷較輕」的工作以做為工作與家庭間一種調適的手段。另外,本研究也進一步發現「就學與就業間的必然性」,即護理人員與警察人員早在求學時代就接受也認同未來工作必須輪班的事實。 二、在「勞動經驗特殊性-彈性配置工時」的分析中:我們發現輪班工作與正常班工作者最大的不同,即是在於其工作時間的不固定,女性輪班工作者在工時安排上的異質性,包括輪班與值班,輪班又可分為月排班與花花班,花花班又可分為連續的工作時段或是分段的工作時段。除了工時的不固定外,我們也發現五個重要彈性配置工時的機制,即要班、包班、搭班、調換班及代班,透過這五個機制來滿足勞動者「彈性配置時間」的需求,因此,受訪者通常都會因家庭因素的需求來運用這五種機制,特別是結婚之後;甚至有小孩以後,除了小孩的生活照顧及醫療照顧外,一旦子女4歲之後,就有接送小孩、小孩活動參與等因素須調換班。然這種彈性是具有結構性限制的,此外,再加上同事間的彼此幫忙,才能順利彈性配置成功。因此,這些機制即反映出資本主義與父權主義對於女性輪班工作者的雙重壓迫下,女性勞動者與社會結構抗衡、尋求自主性、工作與家庭間調適的一種手段。 三、在「勞動外的生活經驗-個人生活影響」分析中:本研究中發現由於輪班的作息相反,使得勞動者在休息時間無法入睡,嚴重地影響其睡眠品質,進而造成其體力的耗損。在婚姻關係與親子關係上,由於生活作息的相反,使得受訪者與丈夫、子女的相處時間少,而產生與丈夫、小孩間互動的負面影響,特別是有小孩之後,小孩的照顧常常就必須由丈夫或婆婆等其他家人來處理。在家務處理上,我們發現在大家庭的結構下,媳婦與婆婆將是家務事的主要負責人;在核心家庭的結構下,丈夫就比較容易成為分擔受訪者家務工作的對象。至於在人際關係上,我們可以發現受訪者的互動範圍會有所侷限,也就是幾乎都和同事或同行的人在互動,因此,受訪者會感受到人際關係互動受到影響。 四、在「勞動經驗下的主體感受-自主性與家庭支持」分析中:這些受訪者會因為經濟因素的考量、且工作轉換不易的情況下,不得不繼續輪班,但仍希望未來可以轉換到正常班。再者,因為輪班工時造成生活作息的相反,以及女主內意識型態的影響,造成其工作、身體、家庭的三重負擔。如此的三重負擔即是受到男主外、女主內意識型態的影響,包括男性輪班工作者、公婆、自己的母親,甚至於連女性輪班工作者本身都認同這樣的價值觀。因此,就十分需要家庭的體諒與支持,也就是透過丈夫、公婆、自己母親的支持,才能讓已婚婦女在工作與家庭間得到平衡與調適。此外,本研究發現受訪者展現其生活自主性的面向,而這正是一般職業婦女所沒有的自主性。主要是因為輪班工作時間可以事先排班,也可以和別人調換班,所以方便受訪者辦事情、休閒活動的規劃、進修考試等,而不必請假。其次,這樣的時間彈性有時會讓受訪者感覺到自己時間比較多,主要是因為休假的時間會與家人休假時間錯開,進而感覺到自己一個人多很多。 除上述分析外,本研究也發現女性輪班工作者在既有結構性的限制下,受訪者會採取「工作場域的轉變」、「努力念書求升遷」、「吃藥調理」、「彈性配置工時侷限下的關鍵操作」、「母職親自履行困難下的行動策略」、「關於丈夫家務處理的應對」、「擁有個人的時空」等策略以作為工作、身體與家庭間的調適與平衡。最後,本文提出「以社會母職為目標」、「政府應積極落實友善家庭政策」、「企業友善女性輪班工作者之方案」作為本研究之政策建議。


The paper will begins with the experiences of the female shift workers, to understand their engagement will and the flexible mechanism of working time arrangement. On the other hand, to analyze how the working experiences influence the personal life experiences. Finally, to analyze the feelings and comments towards the shift working experiences, and to sketch the life image of the female shift workers. Beyond this, the conclusions can be the reference as the future making for the shift work labor policy. The targets of the paper are as follows, 1.To get the reasons why the female workers enter into the shift work. 2.To see the working time arrangement of the female shift workers. 3.To comprehend the influence of the shift work on the personal life of the female shift workers. 4.To understand the women’s subjective perception about the shift work. The research is based on the feminist epistemology and asks 45 female shift workers with the children under age twelve by the deep interviews. The life image of the female shift workers is portrayed through the following four aspects with the grounded theory as the material analysis method. 1.The analysis of “the factors of the labor participation - forced to choose under the economic pressure”:Economics is the main reason of the labor engagement. No matter with the general phenomenon of the singles have to work or the needs of the dual worker family after getting married both push them into the shift work. Futhurmore, the research believes that the stable work of the governmental institutions, the large hospitals and the big companies is another very important factor with the compensation effect to cover the negative influence of the shift work besides the “higher salary” reason. For both singles and marrieds, the family factor is also an account besides the economics factor. It is mainly because that the women are taught to be an expressive role in the process of socialization. The female workers are forced to accept the care’s responsibility at the same time. As a result, marriage is an important divide. The interviewees enter into the shift work again will seek for “the less chance to shift, the lower burden” jobs as a way to get the balance between the work and the family. In addition, “the inevitability between the studies and the profession” is found. It means the fact that the nurses and the policemen realize the future works needed to shift as early as students. 2.The analysis of “the speciality of the working experience - flexible working time arrangement”:The most difference between the shift workers and the normal workers is unstable working time. The heterology of the working time arrangement of the female shift workers includes the shift work and the rota work. Except the unstable working time, we also find out the five important mechanisms for the flexible arrangement of the working time, including off、doing all nights、collocation、exchanging and substitution. The interviewees usually satisfy their family need with the five important mechanisms especially after getting married, even after having children. The children need life and medical cares. Once after four years old, the send-and-take and the activities of children need the shift of working time, too. However, the flexibility is under the structural restraint. The success of flexibility arrangement yet calls for the cooperation of the colleagues. Thus, the mechanisms reflect the double oppression of capitalism and partriarchicalism towards the female shift workers. Those are the means of the female workers to resist the social structure, to look for the autonomy, and to adjust between the work and the family. 3.The analysis of “the life experience beyond works-personal life influence”:the research finds that the workers cannot fall asleep in the recess owing to the opposition of time out of shift work. The sleeping quality is seriously influenced and let the physical force wasted. By the way, the less communication between the interviewees and their husbands and children also generates negative influence on their relations. Especially after giving a birth, the children have to be taken care of by the mother-in-law, husband, or other relatives. As for the housework, it is chiefly undertaken by the daughter-in law and the mother-in law in the big family. In the nuclear family, the husband is more possible to share the housework. As for the human relations, we can find out that the interviewees are bounded. They almost communicate with colleagues and the people of the same profession. Therefore, they feel the human relations is affected. 4. The analysis of “subjective feeling under labor Experience - autonomy and family support”: These interviewers, due to economic factors or work change difficulties, they have to continue their current condition. But, they still hope that they can change to a normal work in the future. In addition, because the abnormal shift time has caused them into an abnormal life style, affect their interior ideology and make triple burdens on their job, body and family. This triple burdens is actually came form the concept of a male should go out to work while a female should work inside the house, and it is widely accepted by the male shift workers and their parents in law and the female workers’ own mothers. Even links the female to be in shifts worker itself to approve such values. In addition, this research discovered that the interviewers unfolds autonomy, and this is precisely the general profession of career woman’s with no autonomy, Mainly because working time can arrange an order according to class and grade in advance in shifts can therefore help the interviewer to handle the matter , takes advanced courses, test and so on, but needs to ask for a leave. Next, such time elasticity lets the interviewer feels that own time quite much , mainly because there is a lot of holiday time to spend with herself. Besides the above analysis of this research discovered that the workers in shifts have already to have under the constitutive limit of having structural restriction, the interviewers will adopt the transition of the work field, make great efforts to study and ask to be transferred and promoted, takes medicine to recuperate, the elasticity disposes the key operation of man hour that the limitation makes, the female duty personally fulfills under the difficulty action tactics motion strategy, about husband household work processing should to, has individual space and time, tactics in order to as work or job, body or health, and family suitable and is right and balanced among family. Finally, this article proposes regarding social mother’s duty as a goal, the government should implement and carry out the friendly family policy actively, the policy recommends this research of the enterprise friendly female workers in schemes of shift work policy.




