  • 學位論文


The Policy Fomation of Huashan Creative and Cultural Park, Taipei

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


摘要 華山「新台灣藝文之星」,是政府極力推動的第一個文化創意園區案例,極具指標意義。但在政策的形成與執行過程中,卻面臨藝文界、輿論、學界等的強烈反彈與質疑,不到二年間,就逼得新上任的文建會主委不得不宣佈暫時擱置,迄今,二年的時間又過去了,而園區的發展政策,依然停留在紙上談兵、遲滯不前的窘境。正當全球文化產業欣欣向榮,亞洲鄰近國家也快速崛起之際,台灣文創產業多年的努力,卻仍在原地空轉,留下一個有聲無影的「無心之星」,當今,正當文創產業面臨嚴竣的困境與挑戰之際,執事者如何藉前車之鑑,思考更靈活的操作策略,正是本研究的用心所在! 本文研究重心是華山「新台灣藝文之星」的政策形成與執行的探討,將政策形成與執行期間,各界所質疑、爭議、反彈的問題焦點,彙整分析之後,作更完整、更全面的呈現。研究步驟主要是先以焦點訪談方式去進行資料蒐集,再結合相關文獻、學理作分析探討。依序從台灣文化創意產業的推動、華山文化創意產業政策形成的脈絡、華山「新台灣藝文之星」規劃案之內容、賓大Gary Hack修正案之內容說明、政策形成與執行過程中的衝突與爭議、整理分析後的結論等建立論文架構。至於研究方法則以質性研究為主,經由系統化的資料蒐集、分析整理之後,再用歸納的方式提出結果。 本研究結果,新台灣藝文之星之所以在短短數年間,從倉促形成到急速擱置,到今日的原地踏步、遲滯不前,其主要原因不外以下數項: (1) 政策形成倉促,缺少公開論述:既未能廣泛徵詢藝文界聲音,也未諮詢學界專家意見;華山過去累積的經驗未受尊重,Gary Hack修正案的決策過程也未公開。 (2) 定位模糊,規劃內容不當:行政中心空間與文化創意產業中心及展演空間,彼此主從不分,行政空間的反客為主,成了華山園區主體,定位不明確,遂模糊了文化園區的核心價值。 (3) 規劃案中的空間量產生與配置,過程既不明確,考慮亦欠周詳:譬如 I 行政辦公空間的5000坪規劃,主體多功能表演中心4400坪,前衛藝 術活動的1000+500+500坪等的空間量配置,其產生過程都未公開, 也沒事前徵詢藝文界人士意見。 (4) Gary Hack修正案的「背書」嫌疑:來台三天勘查,資訊不足,規劃流程又失當,如何能進行完整的委託設計? 此外,針對華山未來可能的發展,本研究最後也彙集各界建言,如打造華山藝文街區、發展華山為亞太藝術中心,形塑華山成為文化園區的新典範等構想,逐一作說明,期待華山能真正成為一個眾所期盼的文化場域。


Huashan ' the new star with gentle skill in Taiwan ', is the first cultural case of intention garden that the government does one's utmost to promote , have index meanings very much. But in the course of forming and execution of the policy , face the strong rebounding in gentle circle of the skill , public opinion , educational circles ,etc. and query , between less than two years, the main committee will have to claim to lay aside temporarily that the document forced the incoming will build, so far, time for 2 years pass by, and the development policies of the garden, still stay in the awkward situation that fight only on paper , not sluggish. The proper global cultural industry is prosperous , when Asia is near the country to emerge fast too, the document of Taiwan achieves the efforts for many years of the industry, dally in where it is still , leave one have ' the star who is not be in the mood for ' of shadow while being sound , nowadays, when the document achieves predicament and challenge that the industry faces Yan Jun, how the executive officer person makes use of the lessons drawn from others' mistakes, think that more flexible operation strategy is exactly what motive of this research is all about! It is the discussion that the policy of Huashan ' the new star with gentle skill in Taiwan ' formed and carried out that this text studies center , while forming policy into and carrying out, all circles query , dispute , problem focus rebounding, gather together after exactly analysing, do more intact , more overall appearing. It is mainly to collect the materials by way of Focus first to study the step, and then combine relevant documents , study the science to do the analysis discussion. Push from the cultural intention industry of Taiwan in order, train of thought that cultural intention industrial policy of Huashan formed, content of the planning case of Huashan ' the new star with gentle skill in III Taiwan ', set up the structure of the thesis in conflict , dispute , conclusion put in order after analysing that the guest big Gary Hack amendment's content is stated , the policy is formed and carries out in the course ,etc.. Rely mainly on studying in quality as for the research approach, after collecting , analysing and putting in order via the systematized materials , put forward the result by means of summing up. (1) This result of study, draw the new star with gentle skill in Taiwan during short several years, from taking shape hurriedly to laying aside rapidly , marks time , not sluggish to where it is of today , its main reason is not beyond the scope of the following several items: (2) The policy takes shape too and lacks and describes hurriedly publicly : Fail to seek and ask the gentle circle sound of skill extensively , has not consulted the expert opinion of the educational circles either; The experience that Huashan was accumulated in the past has not been respected , the decision-making process of Gary Hack amendment was unexposed too. (3) Plan to make a reservation indeterminatly in content : The space of administrative center and culture intention industry centre and performing the space, mainly never divide each other, turning from a guest into a host of administrative space, has become the main body of Huashan garden, it is indeterminate to make a reservation, satisfy the key value of the fuzzy cultural garden. (4) The space amount in the planning case was produced and disposed , the course has been already indeterminate , it is careful to consider also owing: For example the administration handles official business 5000 level ground in the space is planned , 4400 level ground of multi-functional exhibition center of subject , the space amount of 1000+ 500+ 500 level ground of the fashionable art activity ,etc. is disposed , it is unexposed that their produce course, have not sought and asked personage's suggestion of gentle circle of the skill in advance either. Endorses the suspicioning of Gary Hack amendment: Come to Taiwan to reconnoitre in three days, information is insufficient, it is improper to plan the procedure, how can design intact commission? IV After being gentle, this research combines and takes shape and carries out and makes a self-criticism to the policy of Huashan ' the new star with gentle skill in Taiwan ', propose the present situation report and expectation from all walks of life.


行政院文化建設委員會編 《挑戰2008﹕國家發展重點計劃(2002–2007)文化
吳漢中 文化與經濟間的第三條路──台灣文化創意產業發展初期研究
夏鑄九 <進步年代的公共性建構:劉易士.孟福與歷史中的城市> 台灣
夏鑄九 <(重)構公共空間-理論的反省 > 台灣社會研究16期 1994
夏鑄九 <對台灣當前工業遺產保存的初期觀察:一點批判性反思>


