  • 學位論文


A research of imported ceramics excavated at the Ki-Wu-Lan Site, I-lan

指導教授 : 陳有貝


中文摘要 本論文乃以淇武蘭遺址上文化層出土之外來陶瓷器為材料所進行之歷史考古學研究。筆者認為在過去的研究中,外來瓷器並沒有被適當的處理,在這篇論文中,筆者將外來陶瓷器視為在地物質文化的一環,由此,整個分析過程均回歸遺址出土的脈絡資訊,包含器物數量、種類在層位上的變遷、與其他相關遺物的比較,於墓葬中的共伴關係等等。在這樣的研究中,筆者認為遺址內的外來陶瓷器同時具有雙重的身份:「外來」與「在地」,而且兩者一樣重要。 本研究試圖解決以下兩個問題,其一為外來陶瓷器流入淇武蘭的歷史背景及變化歷程,其二為淇武蘭人本身對於外來陶瓷器的消費情形與認知方式。 在本研究中,筆者一方面與台灣海洋史、蘭陽平原區域史等議題相呼應對話,二方面更期望能由考古脈絡下的材料超越文獻,藉由物質文化研究的角度透物見人,進一步發揮噶瑪蘭的主體性 。 經由解讀連續性的考古資料,由時間的向度上,我們看到了淇武蘭遺址出土的外來陶瓷器的生命史,實反應了蘭陽平原的歷史特色。此地與鄰近區域的島際貿易淵遠流長,在上文化層初始階段即有之,而十七世紀前後東亞海域的貿易興盛,造就了噶瑪蘭地區島際貿易時期的輸入高峰,透過馬賽人獲得的外來陶瓷,在淇武蘭人眼中自有一套區辨。而後幾何印紋陶在十九世紀之前即開始減少,表示漢人到來之前村落已然萎縮,其原因仍待探究。到了十九世紀,大量進入的漢人,直接由烏石港進口大量貨品,失去主導權的淇武蘭,外來陶瓷的質與量更突顯出來,與幾何印紋陶融合成兼具傳統與外來的物質生活樣貌。


This dissertation tries to elaborate the academic potential of imported ceramics in Taiwan archaeology. It discusses the change in foreign relations and local viewpoints of aboriginal people in Taiwan. Chinese immigration in Lan-Yang Plain began starting around the end of 18th century. However, we know little about these people without history during the period. Imported ceramics in the Ki-Wu-Lan Site, which is the most important proto- historical archaeological site of Kavalan people in this area, can help shed some light on this problem. Imported ceramics in the Ki-Wu-Lan Site reflect a part of the history of Lan-Yang Plain. The exchange activities might begin in the 14th century. In the first half of the 17th century, the flourishing of trade period resulted in the increase of imported ceramics. In this phase, some of the imported ceramics were considered special and became prestige wares while most of them might only be daily use and did not replace local potteries. In the 19th century, after Chinese immigration, imported ceramics rose in numbers again. The increase of their quantity and variety show that a new lifestyle at Kavalan had truly begun.


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