  • 學位論文


A Survey of Operation and Consumers’ Demand of Leisure Farms in Guanyin Township

指導教授 : 雷立芬


桃園縣觀音鄉休閒農場的起步起源於1999年舉辦第一屆桃園蓮花季,由遊客六萬人次到2004年達到高峰50萬人次,也帶動近43家蓮園農場休閒農業快速發展。近年來因為內外在因素導致遊客銳減而有必要轉型,產業之消長與遊客消費需求息息相關,因此瞭解遊客消費需求進而投其所好,設計一套行銷經營策略便是休閒農場成功決勝之關鍵。 本研究由訪談農場經營現況發現業者學歷越高、收入越高、年收入最高可達900萬;主要收入來源為餐飲與戶外教學;目標客戶仍以散客為主;遊客來源為台北縣市;遊客資訊來源為網路;經營困境為資金短絀和行銷企劃能力不足;業者年齡為41~50歲;學歷高中職以上;經過遊客消費需求問卷調查及訪查觀音鄉休閒農場現況發現遊客多分佈在已婚女性、20-40歲、服務業及家庭主婦、居住在台北、桃園縣市、個人年收入31~50萬元、家庭年收入76~100萬元為主;由交叉分析得知農場之目前客戶為消費金額500元以下、重視農場景觀,透過網路介紹與親友前來之台北縣市高家庭收入、高學歷已婚女性最多,因此提供給休閒農場經營參考建議為: 1、加強田園自然景觀與增加休憩設施及夏日涼爽舒適環境之營造。 2、運用E化-農場網頁應經常更新與美化。 3、強調體驗式活動,並注重產品性能、功用,持續推動並趣味化、多元化。 4、服務品質的提高,最好提供定時、定點免費園區導覽解說服務。 5、餐飲建議為本土化、特色化及健康的簡餐,售價在500元以下。 6、販賣部應備有農場之有機或無毒農產品增加特色與收入。


Abstract This study interviews leisure farm operators in Guanyin Township. It is found that the higher education operators have, the higher income have earned, the annual income of up to 9 million; main source of income for the catering and outdoor education; target customers are still mainly; tourists from Taipei County; Tourist information source for the network; financial difficulties as the shortage of liquidity and a lack of marketing planning; industry, aged 41 to 50 years old; academic high school level or above. The results of survey indicate that the profile of tourists is as follows: married women of age 20 to 40 years old, working in services industry, living in Taipei and/or Tauyan countyies with personal annual income of $31,000 to 500,000 and annual household income of 76 to 1 million. by the cross-analysis showed that the farms of the present amount of customer spending 500 yuan less attention to the farm landscape, through the network description of Taipei with friends and relatives to come to the high household income, high education Most married women, thus providing recommendations to the Leisure Farm. The following suggestions are proposed to operators according to the findings of this study: 1. To enhance natural landscape; 2. To E-commerce; 3. To emphasize experiential activities; 4. To improve service quality; 5. To provide healthy and special meals; 6. To sell organic or non-toxic agricultural products. Keywords: leisure farm, tourists consumer demand, chi-square tests


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