  • 學位論文


Is your love persistent?-The effect of place attachment on visual impact-landscape preference and sensitivity for instances

指導教授 : 鄭佳昆


過去的研究已指出,地方依附是一種長時間人與地方互動而形成的親密情感因此縱使在依附對象離去後,亦較不容易隨之波動;景觀偏好則是在刺激出現之後,瞬間做出的快速判斷。因此在環境產生變化後,偏好程度亦會隨之改變。過去有不少探討景觀偏好與地方情感兩者關係之研究,但至今仍無法以因果關係解決。許多學者皆指出,受試者對於環境的偏好會受到自身對該環境過去的造訪次數、停留時間等過去使用經驗所影響,並且呈正向關係。同時,過去使用經驗亦能使受試者對於環境中的變化更加敏感地察覺到。因此本研究參考此一論點,將過去使用經驗加入研究架構,以進一步探討依附及偏好之間關係。 過去對於景觀偏好之探討多半著墨於直觀的偏好程度,少有對此有更進一步偏好變化之分析。本研究藉由Shang與Bishop (2000)所提出之測量環境敏感度之方式,將環境敏感度以及個體所感知到的視覺衝擊─即偏好、分別測量,並加入過去使用經驗做為影響地方依附以及景觀偏好之獨立變項,探討四者之間關係。實驗以五個不同地點之照片做為實驗刺激,以模擬方式對實驗照片進行等量程度破壞,以測量受試者之環境敏感度、地方依附程度以及環境破壞前後之環境偏好。研究結果顯示,當受試者的過去經驗愈高時,依附程度以及對於環境的變化會愈加敏感。研究結果可幫助大眾了解過去使用經驗對景觀偏好、地方依附及環境敏感度之影響,並提供未來環境的規劃及管理之具體方向,使經營管理者能藉由調整概念與方向,建構出更適合於人之生活環境。


It is known that place attachment is the relationship between human beings and places. It is not easy to be changed even when object attached to disappear while landscape preference does due to it is an immediately evaluation when seeing the stimuli, the environment namely. There have been studies which focus on the relationship between landscape preference and place attachment, however, there is still no any conclusion of their causal relation for certain. It is assumed that the decrease of preference will be minor with the effect of place attachment. Previous studies indicate that experience use history has positive affect on preference making. Also, subjects will be more sensitive to changes in environment due to experience use history. In terms of this statement, experience use history is added to complete the research structure. Referred to Shang and Bishop, environment sensitivity is separated from visual impact, landscape preference in other words while having experience use history as independent variable at the same time to discuss the relationship between these three concepts and place attachment. Photo simulation was used to make up 5 set of photos with different amount of litters. Respondents’ place attachment, experience of use history, sensitivity toward litters, and visual preference changed were measured and compared. Results indicated that experience use history, place attachment and sensitivity are in direct proportion. The results help the masses to realize the effect of experience use history toward landscape preference, sensitivity to environment and, most important, offer a concrete direction for future environmental management.


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