  • 學位論文


Analysis on German Use of Force Policy

指導教授 : 蔡政文


本論文從德國為什麼改變其出兵政策的態度作為研究動機,進而以1994年以前的出兵政策、波士尼亞、科索沃、阿富汗以及伊拉克等出兵政策作為案例進行分析,並希望將國際關係理論與相關案例相結合,並以新古典現實主義的途徑進行分析,同時檢討相關國際關係理論在分析上的優缺點。 統一前德國安全政策主要受到整合入西方、促進歐洲整合、以美國馬首是瞻、與東歐關係正常化及走向中級國家等五個原則影響,但是受到國家社會主義的過去、被分別佔領以及蘇聯的可能威脅,分別對於政治菁英產生不同的效果,也因而有「戴高樂主義」與「大西洋主義」之論爭。在德國推動出兵逐步正常化的階段,波灣戰爭的出兵政策展現德國出兵主要考量國際結構因素與戰略文化中強調政治解決與國際責任的內涵;索馬利亞出兵行動中則展現國際結構與組織等外在因素與人道主義對於德國出兵政策的影響;在波士尼亞的出兵政策中,則展現了德國受到國際組織、盟邦、戰略文化等因素等內外在因素的交錯影響。 第二章則討論德國在科索沃的出兵政策,在決策過程中,德國主要考量的原則包括:德國在大國外交中如何扮演好中級強權的角色、對聯合國與北約等國際組織決議的支持、盟國的態度、人道原則、國家利益以及歷史與共同價值等因素,決策模式則是在國際組織的授權下,由政府提案,考量民意後在聯邦議會進行辯論,並作成決議。 在任務的考量上,德國則逐步突破戰略文化的限制,走向實質干預,但是因為受限在民意與裝備,所以實際執行上仍受到限制,基本上仍強調恢復該區穩定、促進民主化與經濟發展以及戰鬥任務非常態等基本原則。在重建工作上,由於是在聯合國的主導之下、並以人道為旗幟,德國非常積極的參與行動,並擔任領導的角色。而也正因為相關裝備的不足與戰略文化的限制,也促成了德國軍隊的改革及正常化論述的進一步發展。 第三章探討德國在阿富汗的出兵政策,德國仍是受到外在因素與內在因素的綜合影響,不論是在決定出兵、任務執行或重建的階段,主要受到外在因素的國際組織與內在因素的戰略文化及國家利益等因素的影響,而由於干預的範圍更加擴大,使得德國必須面對更多的軍事改革,但是預算上的短缺,進而導致裝備與運輸能力的不足,仍是德國要作為正常化的強權上的一大障礙。 整體來看,德國在阿富汗出兵政策的決策過程中,考量的原則大致沒有太大的變化,仍然以聯合國及北約的決議、盟國的態度、團結、人道、國際責任及共有的價值為基本原則,並遵循著從國際組織要求、政府提案、考量民意後到聯邦議會辯論決議的決策模式。而在任務的原則上,則以避免單獨行動,也避免從事危險的任務為原則,重建工作也是幾乎按照這些原則來決定任務的範圍。不過與科索沃較大的不同是德國的菁英在這個階段的共識度更強,更能接受「以戰止戰」的看法。 在伊拉克的出兵政策中,德國則展現了其對於多邊主義的支持,極力反對美國的單邊主義,除了反應中型強權對於本身權力的認知之外,因為美國的反彈,也反映出中型強權對於自己是否能夠對抗美國所展現出來的不安,因此德國透過國際組織的規約來強化自己的正當性,並結合俄國及法國等國,來顯示自己不是孤獨的,只是作為中型強權的德國,稍微高估了自己的能耐,最後還是與美國求和。 在分析相關案例之後,本論文的第五章則針對相關出兵政策的成效及其影響進行評估,分別針對波赫地區、科索沃、阿富汗及伊拉克等地的執行結果進行整理與評估與成效分析。而相關的出兵行動亦分別對德國的基本方針、內部組織、預算、戰略文化及民意產生影響,同時也促成了區域上的歐盟快速反應部隊及北約快速反應部隊的成立。在國際層面上,更促成了相關出兵政策在這個議題範疇上形成國際典則,甚至產生協助重建的作業方案,將有助於未來其他重建工作的進行。 最後,在第六章的時候本文則進行評估與展望,從事實面的評估出發,探討影響德國出兵政策各個階段的有利因素與不利因素,並分別從外在與內在的層面進行探討。大致上來看,影響德國出兵政策的外在因素包括國際結構、國際組織、人道的號召、盟邦及任務的風險等,都扮演重要的角色,而在內在因素部分,包括戰略文化、憲法法院判決、國家利益、菁英共識、基本外交方針、民意等因素則扮演重要角色。 同時,本文也進行理論面的探討,分別探討現實主義、新制度主義與建構主義在解釋相關案例中的解釋力與優缺點。 綜合言之,「不再涉入戰爭」的戰略文化實質上已經被修正「限制的出兵行動」,也就是說,如果德國有機會可以不用涉入戰鬥任務的話,德國的決策者會傾向於說「不」,但是由於其他外部因素如增加國際組織內部的影響力與制度的需要時,德國在很難說「不」的情況下,還是會受到其自我受限的戰略文化影響,限制軍隊在較不具風險的區域以回應來自國內的壓力。


This dissertation deals with German use of force policy. It starts with German security policy before unification and examines the cases after the normalization of German use of force policy. With the normalization of military deployment abroad, this dissertation takes some most important cases of German military deployment, including Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan. It also takes Iraq as a contrast case to show the principles, modes and retrictions in German use of force policy. This dissertation also deals with international relations theories and their practices on German use of force policy. The positive attitude of German use of force policy provoked the debates among the scholars who are interested in that. Scholars debate on which theory is more proper in researching use of force policy after the German unification, the decisive formational causes of the use of force policy, the role of Germany on European security and international security after the unification. For example, realists take on the change of international system, which was from bipolar system to unipolarity without hegemony. Germany, accordingly, faces the choices between autonomy and influence. Neo-institutionalists stress the effects of institutions and strategic culture. They think that Germany still insists on its strategic culture and the role as a civilian power. Constructivists start from the inter-subjective effect of international and societal norms. They think the change of German use of force policy is also related to history, culture and norm. However, this dissertation doesn’t deal with the ontological, epistemological or methodological debates among theories, and doesn’t present a synthesis among them. The key focuses are on the external and internal factors of German policy and find out which is significant in related with the cases, the advantages and disadvantages of international relations theories in examining the cases of German use of force policies. In Chapter one, the dissertation examines security policies and cases of Gulf war, Somalia and Bosnia, and concludes with principles and restrictions of its policies. Chapter two, three and four discuss German use of force policy on Kosovo, Afghan and Iraq. It also concludes the priciples, modes and restrictions in decision making process, tasks evaluation, and reconstruction among them. Chapter five evaluates the effects of use of forces policies, including Germany itself, regional and international effects. Finally, this dissertation finds that the major external factors of German use of force policy are international structure, international organization, humanitarianism, alliance, and the risks of mission. The major internal factors are strategic culture, law and jurisdiction of Federal Constitutional Court, national interests, consensus among elites. I also conclude that realism with the revision of neo-classical realism, especially on elite consensus will broaden and deepend the explanation in Germany’s cases. However, as we have seen in this dissertation, none of the theories can explain every case. Since there is no theory can be falsified like Imre Lakatos said, we have to take a more comprehensive and open methodology in my research.


military deployment Kosovo Afghan Iraq neo-classical realism





