  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of the Defense Industry Reserve Duty System and R&D Substitute Services System.(1979-2011)

指導教授 : 丁守中


中華民國男子依據憲法皆有服兵役之義務。以往,軍旅生涯是服役的唯一型態,但隨著國家政治經濟環境變遷,為使我國碩士教育程度以上的優秀人力資源,不因服役而中斷其相關高階研究歷程或研發專長,國防部遂在尚未有完整法律授權之情況下,於民國68年創立「國防工業訓儲」預備軍官之役種(俗稱國防役),民國69年開始實施,以中山科學研究院為主體,結合國內中央級及大型研究機關(構),發展自主國防工業,民國88年「國防工業訓儲」制度轉型,開放民間產業申請國防工業訓儲科技人才員額;其對於我國之經濟發展、貣飛,有一定程度之貢獻。然此一制度之役期不公平性、待遇不合理性及法源不完整性,卻也是不爭之事實,不斷招受立法及監察機關質疑。所以,為解決前開問題,同時能繼續配合國家經濟發展,有效運用役男研發專長人力資源及提昇產業研發能力及競爭力,行政院於民國94年1月24日第2925次會議「現行兵役制度檢討改進方案」決議:「配合兵役制度的調整,在保有國防工業訓儲制度優點及維護兵役公平之前提下,研修『替代役實施條例』,建立研發替代役制度,以取代國防工業訓儲制度」。屆此,內政部開始積極辦理相關法制化之推動工作,歷經近兩年的努力,立法院終於在民國96年1月5日三讀通過「替代役實施條例」部分條文修正案 ,並於民國96年1月24日總統公布,內政部於97年度貣開始實施研發替代役。我國的兵役制度,新創立了「服役是一種義務,也可以是一種選擇」的全新思維。 本研究爰就國防工業訓儲制度與研發替代役制度此兩種「解構式」兵役制度建構、演進與變遷過程,體現在台灣政經社會之歷史脈絡及實存的發展結構中,其所涉及國家機關、官僚體系、公私複合機構及民間產業之各菁英階層互動關係等面向,從歷史性結構、政治經濟及特定行為者鑲嵌三個架構進行分析,同時就兩種制度在法源、薪資、役期、成效及行動者鑲嵌關係進行比較評析,並提出在實施「全募兵制度」後,研發替代役制度修正實施的近程方案及轉型的遠程方案。


In accordance with the Law, the male citizens of the Republic of China are obligated to take military service. In the past, military carrier is the only type of military service; however, with the national political and economic environment changes, in order to make more excellent human resources in the master's level of education in Taiwan and its related high-end research process or R&D expertise not be interrupted by taking military service, the Ministry of National Defense, under the circumstances without full authorization, established the Reserved Ranking Officer Service type of “The Defense Industry Reserve Duty System” (commonly known as Defense Services) in 1979. It was implemented in 1980. Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology as the main combined domestic central level and large-scale research institutions (agencies) to develop self-defense industry. In 1999, The Defense Industry Reserve Duty System transformed, liberalizing the industry to apply for scientific and technological personnel posts for the Defense Industry Reserve Duty System; for Taiwan‟s economic development and takeoff, it has a certain degree of contribution. However, the unfair length of service, unreasonable salary, and imperfect legal source of this system are also indisputable facts that are continuously doubted by the Legislative Yuan and the Control Yuan of ROC. Hence, in order to resolve viii the mentioned issues, and continue coordinating national economic development to effectively employ draftees‟ R&D experts human resources, and to enhance industrial research and competiveness, the Executive Yuan in the 2925th conference, “Existing Military Service System Review and Improvement Program” on January 24, 2005 adopted a resolution: “With the adjustment of military service system, under the premise retaining the advantages of the Defense Industry Reserve Duty System and maintaining the fairness of military service, draft the „Enforcement Statute for Substitute Services‟ to establish the R&D Substitute Services System, so as to replace the Defense Industry Reserve Duty System”. Until then, Ministry of the Interior started to actively handle the promotion of legalization. After nearly two years of efforts, finally the Legislative Yuan adopted the amendment of part articles of “Enforcement Statute for Substitute Services” after the third reading on January 5, 2007 and which was promulgated by the President on January 24, 2007. Ministry of the Interior started to the R&D Substitute Services System in 2008. The military service system in Taiwan created a brand new thinking as “Military service is an obligation, also an option”. This study is to carry out the analysis of the construction, evolution and change process in terms of such two deconstructed military service as the Defense Industry Reserve Duty System and R&D Substitute Services System involved such directions as state organ, the bureaucratic system, public and private compound agencies and the interactive relationship of the elite class in civil industries in reflecting Taiwan's political, economical and social context of the history, and the development of existential structure, from such three frameworks as historic structure, political economy and specific actors embeddedness; in addition, it is to carry out comparison and analysis of two systems in source of law, salary, length of service, effectiveness and the actors embeddedness, and after providing the enforcement of “Recruiting System”, to research and develop the short-range plan for implementation of the amended Substitute Services System and the remote program for transformation of the same.


DiMaggio, Paul J.,and Walter W. Powell.(1991). The Iron Cage Revisted:Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields. In Walter W. Powell and Paul J. DiMaggio.(Eds.). The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis, pp. 63-82. Chicago University of Chicago Press.


