  • 學位論文


Effects of Landscape on Psychological Response and Brain Region Activity

指導教授 : 張俊彥


許多研究證實相對於都市環境,人們偏好自然環境,且在疲勞後接觸自然環境可以恢復注意力,過去研究多以量表或生理量測等間接的方式探討不同景觀的恢復能力,甚少有較直接及客觀的方式來驗證自然景觀之恢復效益,近年來隨著腦部造影技術的發展,藉由觀察腦區活化的情形可以瞭解各種生心理反應及行為的源起,因此本研究之目的欲瞭解不同景觀對心理及腦區反應的影響,探討人在觀看不同環境類型的圖片後,知覺到的恢復評價是否會有差異,及在觀看圖片的過程中,腦部運作的情形是否會有不同。在環境類型方面,首先探討都市、高山、森林及水體四種景觀型態的差異,而後再以注意力恢復理論為基礎,探討以恢復性環境特徵為標準之四種環境類型對人之影響,心理反應以恢復體驗程度及知覺注意力恢復力為指標,腦區反應以fMRI為研究工具,討論不同景觀引發活化的腦區及其功能意義。結果顯示都市景觀恢復力最低,其次為森林景觀,高山及水體景觀恢復力最高,腦區反應方面,觀看都市景觀時所使用的腦區多於自然景觀之反應腦區,其中都市景觀反應腦區中包含Right superior parietal lobe,此區過去被認為與注意力恢復理論中提到需要耗費資源的直接注意力有關,高山及水體景觀反應腦區則以視覺腦區為主;在不同恢復性環境特徵方面,結果顯示一致性的自評恢復力最低,遠離性、魅力性及相容性沒有顯著差異,在知覺注意力恢復力上,相容性有略高於其他三者;腦區反應方面,四種景觀皆有視覺相關腦區被活化,其中魅力性環境反應較激烈,包含額葉及頂葉多處處理較高層級認知系統的腦區,表示耗費較多資源在注意環境,可能表示恢復效益較低,與心理反應結果顯示一致性恢復力最低不同,未來仍需增加更多實驗組別以確立其關係。研究結果初步顯示自然環境在心理及腦區反應都比都市環境較具有恢復效益,其中高山及水體景觀恢復力較高,未來可再深入探討自然景觀恢復效益產生的機制,以證實自然景觀的重要性外,對神經科學領域也將產生不同於以往的討論方向。


Many studies have shown that people prefer natural environment than urban environment, and exposure to the natural environment can restore attention from fatigue. Most of previous studies on the restorativeness of natural landscape used indirect measurements such as scale or physiological data, seldom direct evidence was obtained. With the development of functional magnetic resonance imaging in recent years, observation of the activation of brain regions helps us to understand the origins of a variety of psychological reactions and behavior. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand the psychological response and brain region activity when viewing different landscapes using questionnaire and fMRI. Psychological response was measured by questionnaire of restorative experience and perceived restorativeness, and the brain region activity was measured by fMRI. The current study was divided into two parts. First, four types of landscapes were used to explore human response toward landscape types, including cities, mountains, forests, and water bodies. In the second part, the effects of four restorative environmental characteristics based on Attention Restoration Theory were tested. In the first part, the results of psychological response showed that viewing pictures of urban landscape had lower attention restoration than nature, and forests had lower attention restoration than mountains and water bodies. The results of brain region activity showed that Right superior parietal lobe was activated when viewing city pictures. Moreover, only two brain regions related to visual reaction activated when viewing mountains and water bodies. Right superior parietal lobe is about top-down attention and may possibly relate to directed attention. In the second part, the results showed that coherence environment gave the lowest possibility of restorative experience among four and there were no significant differences on restoration among being away, fascination, and compatibility environments. In the perceived restorativeness scale, the compatibility environment had slightly higher attention restoration than the other three environments. The results of brain region activity, however, showed that the brain region activities related to visual reaction were all active in the four environments and many brain regions on frontal and parietal lobe were activated when viewing fascination environment. Frontal and parietal lobes are considered to handle high-level cognitive system and may consume more resources. The result implied lower attention restoration when viewing fascination environment. In conclusion, natural environment has more attention restoration effect than urban environment, and mountain and water have more attention restoration effect than forest in both psychological response and brain region activity. Future can go further into the effectiveness of the natural landscape perception mechanism to confirm the importance of the natural environment, and will also have a discussion of different direction in the field of neuroscience.


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