  • 學位論文


Video-assisted Teaching in Citizen and Society Civics Curriculum: A Case Study of Taipei Municipal Fuxing Senior High School

指導教授 : 洪鎌德


本研究主要探討影片融入公民與社會科政治篇教學,藉由個案教師的影片融入教學,從實務教學中提供影片融入公民與社會科政治篇教學的情境案例,並進一步探討學生在接受影片融入公民與社會科政治篇教學中所受影響,以及影片融入公民與社會科政治篇教學遇到的困難與解決方式。 個案教師依建構主義為理論基礎,以錨式情境教學法,設計高級中學一年級公民與社會科政治篇影片融入教學,對個案班級實施教學計畫,本研究以參考文獻為基礎,透過與個案教師的深度訪談,與個案學生焦點團體訪談,輔以學生週記、筆記、考卷、臉書社群留言討論等相關資料蒐集,進行三角校正,得到研究結論如下: 1.影片融入公民與社會科政治篇教學的課程設計理念乃以情境融入教學為優先的考量; 2.影片融入公民與社會科政治篇教學的適用時機為課程內容抽象且與學生生活經驗距離遙遠之社會與政治對象與現象; 3.影片融入公民與社會科政治篇教學應該考量的重點為時間分配、劇情、使用語言與字幕呈現; 4.學生在接受影片融入公民與社會科政治篇教學後,可以提升學習動機與學習效率; 5.學生接受影片融入公民與社會科政治篇教學與學習成就的關聯性不大; 6.教師認為實施影片融入公民與社會科政治篇教學的困難點在於教學媒材須廣泛蒐集,相關硬體細節的配合,且對於班級秩序的維護構成一定程度的阻礙; 7.學生與教師有條件支持國內拍攝屬於本國的政治影片,並認為對教學與學習有所助益; 8.教師認為影片融入公民與社會科政治篇教學,可以部分取代校外參觀的功能,且形塑民主、開放的學習環境; 9.學生與教師認同影片教學是以學習者為中心,符合建構主義的學習理論,避免填鴨式教學,即純粹刺激與反應的行為主義學習模式。 10.學生與教師皆對於影片融入公民與社會科政治篇教學有正面的評價;


This study investigates video-assisted teaching in politics segment of the citizen and society subject. Case studies were conducted, and the effect the teaching method had on students as well as challenges and potential solutions were all looked into. Using constructivism as the theoretical framework, the researcher designed a teaching plan based on anchored instruction for first-year high school civics classes (politics segment), featuring video-assisted teaching. Based on research literature, in-depth interviews were conducted with teachers participating in the case studies. Focus group interviews with students were also carried out. Students’ weekly journals, class notes, exam papers and facebook discussion records were collected and studied. The different research methods served to meet triangulation by checking against one another. The findings of the study are as follows: 1. The main idea behind video-assisted teaching adoption in citizen and society subject was situational teaching; 2. The ideal circumstances for using video-assisted teaching in citizen and society subject was when the course content is abstract and the ideas to be taught are social and political phenomenon that students rarely have chances to experience in their daily lives; 3. Major considerations for using video in citizen and society subject are video length, content, language and subtitle presentation; 4. Students’ learning motive and efficiency were boosted after receiving video-assisted instruction; 5. As far citizen and society subject is concerned, correlation between video-assisted teaching and students’ academic performances was low; 6. Teachers reckoned the challenges of adopting video-assisted teaching in citizen and society subject were that teaching materials must be sufficiently diverse and technical problems could arise. Teachers also indicated that video-assisted teaching could disrupt class order. 7. Students and teachers conditionally supported domestic filmmakers producing videos featuring domestic political issues, which they thought could contribute to learning and teaching of the subject. 8. Teachers believed that video-assisted teaching could replace field trips to some extent and help establish a democratic, open learning environment. 9. Students and teachers agreed with the argument that video-assisted teaching is learner-centered, and therefore is in tune with constructivism learning theory. Cramming is avoided as a result. In other words, the learning model operated on the behaviorist principle of “stimulus-response”. 10. Both students and teachers reacted positively to video-assisted teaching.




