  • 學位論文


Developing Innovative Business Model for Home Care Services – A Case Study

指導教授 : 陳國泰
共同指導教授 : 謝明慧(Ming-Huei Hsieh)


身處新經濟時代的今天,成功的商業模式是組織成功的基石,而建立創新商業模式是組織能否維持持續競爭優勢的重要因素。綜觀全球與台灣長期照護服務的趨勢,居家照護服務的重要性不言可喻,然關於居家照護領域的研究卻鮮少將焦點放在商業模式之上,尤其以創新觀點所進行之探討更是付諸闕如。故本研究以Johnson, Christensen, & Kagermann(2008)創新商業模式理論架構為基礎,採某居家照護機構為研究個案,探討居家護理服務之創新商業模式。 研究結果顯示,個案居家照護機構之顧客價值主張為全方位照護平台,其關鍵資源包括集團內部資源(居家照護體系本身資源、醫療體系資源、長照機構體系資源、總公司資源)與外部資源(政府資源、社會資源、產業內合作、異業結盟),其關鍵流程含醫、食、住、行、用品耗材與照護設備等整合性服務項目之各項流程,而所提供之顧客價值為低成本與差異化服務。由前述作業,個案居家照護機構可藉健保服務以量取勝、非健保服務提高附加價值方式增加收入,藉降低採購成本、追求規模經濟、提升經營效率等方式降低成本,以達到獲利成長之目的。 本研究建議,個案居家照護機構採顧客服務中心之營運總部模式,將目前成功商業模式的獲利,投資於關鍵的資源(擴增服務據點、加強品牌形象、強化人力資源、投資醫療設備、強化產業內與異業連結、建置資訊系統)與流程(提升作業品質、提升人員素質、加強合作機制、強化管理作業、作業管理資訊化)上,維持產業競爭之優勢。


In the time of new economy, the success of an organization lies fundamentally in successful business models, while the introduction of business model innovations is one of the major factors in maintaining the competitiveness of an organization. An overview of the general trend of long-term care services in Taiwan as well as the other corners of the world indicates the increasing importance of home care services. Yet, few studies on home care services have focused on business models, let alone discussion of business models in this industry from innovative perspectives. Hence, this present study is to explore business model innovations for home care services through a case study of a certain home care services agency within the theoretical framework of the business model innovation (BMI) theory proposed by Johnson, Christensen & Kagermann (2008). As indicated by the results of the study, the customer value proposition of the home care services agency in question features a full-range care services platform. The key resources include the group’s inner resources (the resources of the home care system, the medical care system, the long-term care services system, and the operational headquarters) and outer recourses (the governmental and social resources, intra-industrial cooperation, and cross-sector alliances). The key processes involve integration of services for medical care, diet, accommodation, transportation, supplies and materials, and equipment for care services. The customer value proposition is an offering of low cost and differentiated services. The analysis of the case study shows that the home care services agency in question can increase its profits by providing a large quantity of healthcare services which are covered by the national health insurance (NHI) and some non-NHI-covered value-added services and decrease its costs by reducing purchase costs, developing economies of scale, and improving managerial efficiency, which can in turn contribute to revenue growth. The present study suggests that the home care services agency in question should establish a customer service center under the operational headquarters model, invest its profits gained from the current successful business model in key resources (opening more branches, enhancing its brand image, strengthening human resources, investing in medical equipment, boosting intra- and inter-industrial collaborations, and building an information system) and processes (improving operational and personnel quality, strengthening cooperative systems, and enhancing and informatizing operations management) in order to maintain its competitive edge in the industry.


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