  • 學位論文


Applying Q Methodology to Examine Motivation for Choosing a High School Teaching Career: Case Study of a Taipei Senior High School

指導教授 : 唐代彪


教師的工作具有許多正面的意義,從韓愈師說所言的「師者,所以傳道、授業、解惑也」,到現在仍有許多人將教師視為是一份很特別的工作。由於教師這種職業經過嚴格的、持續的學習,近幾年來由於社會結構的快速變遷,少子化的影響與產業結構的轉變,現今的教師要面臨愈來愈多的挑戰。如果想要成為教師必須打敗許多對手,並歷經重重的關卡才能夠一償執教鞭的宿願,因此背後應有相當強烈的動機支撐著。   本研究旨在運用Q方法此種專為探究人類行為動機的研究方法,研究目前現職教師的職業選擇動機,由於Q方法兼具質化與量化的內涵,因此針對人的意識,尤其是他對事物的觀念與看法,能夠具體的表現出來。研究對象為目前正在教學現場執教的高中教師,以小樣本立意抽樣的方式進行研究,希望能夠透過Q方法的協助,用以了解目前現職教師選擇以此做為職業的動機,並將研究結果統整歸納以獲得系統性的成果。   本研究利用Q方法獲得「教學熱忱型」、「改善社會型」、「穩定保障型」、「重要他人型」這四種動機類型,說明不同的動機促成高中教師選擇教師作為職業的決定,其中「穩定保障型」的人數佔四種動機類型之冠,進一步回應年金改革相關政策應多方檢討改進,並確保教師的福利與保障不被犧牲,方能為教育界留住優秀的人才。


動機 教師 工作價值觀 Q方法 職業選擇


According to “Shih Shuo”, “teachers are those who convey the truth, pass on the knowledge, and clarify the doubts” (Han-Yu). Teacher is a meaningful career and some people still thought it’s a special job. The specialty of teacher needs hard and sustaining studying. Due to the change of society organization, the impact of trend of fewer children the shift of industry organization, teachers nowadays face more challenges than before. Also, you need to beat many candidates and pass many difficulties to fulfill the dream of being a teacher. I use Q methodology to study human behave motivation, and to conduct the research of career choosing motivation of active teachers. The Q methodology involved qualitative and quantitative measure. So, it can show the conscious of human being and present the concept and viewpoint clearly. The research samples are active teachers in high school, and using Q methodology to realize the motivation of choosing teacher as a career. Finally, I can summarize the result and get a systematic conclusion. This research use Q methodology to analyze four motivation types as teaching enthusiasm, improving society, stabilization and devoting. This can tell that different motivation makes different decision of teacher choose teaching as a career. The motivation of stabilization is more than others which can reflect the reform of compensation policy should be improved by many aspects, and ensure the benefit and welfare won’t be taken. So the education field will keep high quality manpower.


Motivation Teacher Work Value Q Methodology Career Choosing


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