  • 學位論文


An Analysis on Business Strategy of Telecommunication Equipment Vendor --- A Case Study on Nortel Networks

指導教授 : 許瑋元
共同指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


本論文主要是利用Adam M. Brandenburger與Barry J. Nalebuff競合策略的觀念,研究電信設備製造的產業生態,以了解產業的競爭態勢及強度,以及彼此間的競合行為,並進一步分析廠商藉由改變賽局的基本元素,所採取的競合行為及策略。再以個案分析的方式,針對百年老店北電網絡,透過本論文研究探討及深度的訪談,以了解個案公司從電信的指標性企業淪落到被迫申請破產保護,找到其失敗的原因,並了解它廠經營成功之關鍵因素,並藉此歸納出電信設備製造產業之共同關鍵成功因素,為相關企業提供借鑒。 本研究可獲致以下幾點結論:﹝一﹞標準制定協會左右了電信產業技術標準,通常只有一種技術標準能支配市場,開始有主導技術力量,成為設定該技術標準的公司,才不會被市場淘汰。﹝二﹞電信設備供應商之間的產品、技術同質化現象嚴重。通信設備製造商必須轉型從以實體設備製造業轉向為電信運營商提供電信專業服務,增加利潤成長機會。﹝三﹞多數政府的電信法規對廠商影響很大,新進業者等需傾國家之力扶植才有機會壯大。如果要改變賽局對自己有利,就是遊說政府制定對競爭對手不利的條款。﹝四﹞電信設備產業最大的互補者就是終端業者與網路、電子商務業者、既有的電信技術,僅有基礎建設但終端設備供應不足,或新技術沒有支持既有的電信技術情況下會嚴重影響該技術發展。﹝五﹞北電錯估情勢,忽略了賽局中重要的參賽者--互補者。資金、人力大量被浪費,造成嚴重虧損,轉入服務市場太慢。自2005年之後北電沒有核心業務,迷霧存在著無法排除,不但自已沒有清晰的策略,也讓顧客心中對企業的能力心存疑慮,造成北電業績持續惡化,最後走向破產重整一途原因。


This thesis is based on the concept of M. Adam Brandenburger and Barry J. Nalebuff co-opetition strategies, research industrial ecology telecom equipment manufacturers, in order to understand the competitive situation and the strength of the industry, as well as the behavior of competing with each other, and further analysis by changing vendors the basic elements of the game, taken by competing behaviors and strategies. And then to analyze the way the case against the century-old Nortel Networks, through this research to explore and depth interviews to understand the case from the telecommunications company's targets enterprise reduced to forced to file for bankruptcy protection, to find the reasons for its failure, and understand its critical success factors of plant operators, and to summarize the key success factors common telecommunications equipment manufacturing industry, providing a reference for related businesses. In this study, the following conclusions attainable: 1. Usually only a technology standard can dominate the market, began to have leading technology, the technology is set to become the standard of the company, it will not be the market eliminated. 2. Technology difference in Telecom equipment suppliers is minimum. Communications equipment manufacturers to provide professional services must transition from a physical device manufacturing to telecommunication carriers, increase profit growth opportunities. 3. Telecommunications regulations great impact on the majority of government firms, new entrants, such as the need to foster a national effort to have a chance to grow. If you want to change the game to their advantage, is lobbying the government to develop a competitor unfavorable terms. 4. The major complementors in telecommunications equipment industry are terminal equipment providers and the Internet, e-commerce companies. Only the infrastructure but inadequate supply of terminal, or a new technology is not supported by existing telecommunications technology situation seriously affect the development of the technology. 5. Nortel misjudged the situation, ignoring the important game contestants - Complementor. Invest and manpower is wasted, causing serious losses, into the service market is too slow. Since 2005, Nortel had no clear strategy nor core business, which caused Nortel performance continued to deteriorate, and finally a way to bankruptcy.


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