  • 學位論文


Improving the Performance Of Government’s Landscape Green Engineering Procurement: The Case of Taipei City Park Office

指導教授 : 雷立芬


過去15年來,政府實行政府採購法之後,政府採購行為(包括綠化工程植栽),都以一般採價格最低標方式、異質性最低標、選擇性或限制性招標等方式,而在花木類別中,因被認為技術無差異性,且為最普通採購行為,僅依簡易的株寬、株高標準而訂定固定單價的方式。廠商最低價得標情形下,得標後往往都以成本為考量,提供符合規格的植栽、品質卻是良窳不齊的植栽,履履造成施工、驗苗及退貨困擾或糾紛。因為政府每年要編列大筆預算採購花木達到綠化目的,根據採購法,樹苗或種子是由承包商提供及種樹(或由公園處播種或植樹)。如果業者提供的產品品質不好,就會浪費公帑,所以應該找出一套讓承包商提供好品質的模式。 本研究是透過蒐集臺北市及其他相關單位綠化工程採購流程及標準;探討找出流程管理與花木品質的關係;透過PDCA迴圈品質管理提昇花木品質的方式;以賽局理論解釋政府採購法的實際內涵及由廠商間良性競爭提升花木品質;以深度訪談方式分析彙整需求端-政府綠化官員、承包商及供苗商三者對於政府綠化工程採購提升花木品質之方式;歸納提出提升政府綠化工程花木品質改良建議。讓花木生產者知道公部門的採購花木品質標準、以更實際的方式去種植培育優質苗木;承包商不再以成本考量採購花木、促進各綠化廠商良性競爭,政府部門可獲得品質提升的花木,使得民眾得以享有優質綠化的市容景觀之四贏的局面。


Government procurement are constrained by the law since the government put into the practice of Government Procurement Law over the past 15 years ago. Including the procurement of plant are based on the way of lowest standard, heterogeneity, selective or restricted bidding. For the category of flowers and wood, the fix price is based on the width and height of flowers and wood because it is the most common procurement without any technique. Normally, the lowest price from a vendor will win the procurement. However, the vendor only provide the regular plant with poor quality of planting. Therefore, it will cause a lot of argument and dispute between government and vendors. The government spend a large amount of budget for purchasing plant to green city annually. According to the law, the vendor need to both provide plant and do planting, so we need need to find the best solution to have better quality of plant and planting. This research was collected from the process of procurement of department of greening projects in Taipei. We try to discuss the relationship between the quality of flower and wood and process management. We also explore how to improve the quality of flowers and wood through the PDCA management. In addition, analyzing the use case via game theory between the government and vendors. We have suggestions for how the government green cities via in-depth interviewing government official and vendors. Therefore, farmers will realize the process of procurement, vendors can pay attention to the quality, which will bring more positive competitive between vendors. Therefor, the government will have better quality of flowers and wood, and the public have more greening city.


