  • 學位論文


The Study of Negotiation and Dealmaking of Copyright Agreements--A Case of Dealmaking in U.S. Film and Television Industry

指導教授 : 江炯聰


本研究所要探討的主題為著作權契約的談判與協商。在交易成本理論的基礎上,交易雙方除了就交易標的進行對價互易外,其實交易成本扮演了交易中相當重要的角色,甚至足以影響交易雙方的決策;而如何降低交易成本在交易中的影響,則需要適用合宜的談判架構與契約設計。因此在第一章緒論的部分,筆者探討著作權契約的談判與協商的重要性,並在第二章透過對文獻的探討與回顧,進一步結合交易成本、談判分析與著作權的概念,試圖對影視產業中著作權契約的談判與協商內涵,做理論上的詮釋,因此在第三章以理論為基礎,進而建構可用於探討實例的理論模型架構。 透過上述理論模型架構,筆者在第四章就美國影視產業的著作權契約範例進行探討,分別討論各該契約的性質、契約的談判分析、契約設計的要點,進而釐清在著作權契約的談判與協商中,交易雙方關注的重點在哪以及如何有助於雙方降低在溝通與事後解決爭議的成本。在第五章筆者取用台灣智慧財產局所提供的著作權契約範本來做為比較,進而凸顯出在較為成熟的美國影視產業著作權契約的談判與協商中,有哪些足堪成為台灣影視產業在著作權契約談判與協商的借鏡之處,例如學習美國影視產業著作權契約如何在條款的設計上,避免交易雙方產生訊息不對稱或不確定性的風險。 在結論的部分,筆者認為關於談判與契約設計的研究,在著作權契約的協商上具有重要的意義,但是在台灣影視產業的現況而言,由於台灣影視產業價值鏈的完整性與交易的成熟度都還不足,即使美國的著作權契約談判與協商經驗可能在台灣適用,但似乎台灣還有更基礎的產業問題需要優先解決。


This thesis is about how to do negotiation and dealmaking of copyright agreements. According to the theory of transaction cost, we know that transaction costs play an important role in all deal makings that might affect dealmaker’s decision. Thus how to make a deal through negotiation is an important issue. In chapter 1, it is how important of negotiation and dealmaking of copyright agreements. And in chapter 2, writer combined theories of transaction cost, negotiation analysis and definition of copyright, then tried to make a model to explain how dealmakers doing in negotiation and making the deal at chapter 3. In chapter 4, writer took examples from U.S. film and television industries that how professional copyright attorney Mark Litwak advising to dealmakers. By using the model in former chapter, we may know what is happening in the making of entertainment copyright agreements. Then in chapter 5, writer made a comparison of U.S. copyright agreements and Taiwan’s official examples to find any advantages that we can learn from a more mature entertainment industry in U.S., like some special clause design in order to make dealmakers away from information asymmetry and uncertain risks. In conclusion, writer thought that negotiation and contract design are big issues in dealmaking of copyright agreements, but it might be too early for Taiwan which has more problems on the value chain of its entertainment industry before copyright negotiating issues.


2. 王文宇,交易成本與協商機制,會計研究月刊,288期,2009
3. 王文宇,如何設計契約的架構與內容,會計研究月刊,289期,2009
4. 王文宇、張宇維,商業談判的合作決策(一)─談判的科學分析理論,會計研究月刊,311期,2011
5. 王文宇、張宇維,商業談判的合作決策(二)─談判的基礎概念,會計研究月刊,312期,2011
6. 王文宇、張宇維,商業談判的合作決策─談判的類型,會計研究月刊,313期,2011
