  • 學位論文


The Study of the Establishment of Commercial Court in R.O.C(Taiwan)- Lessons from the Singapore International Commercial Court

指導教授 : 邵慶平


台灣法院於部分商事案件見解的不穩定與過多的審級來回,使得我國在 IMF 全球經商環境報告的排名中,遠遠落後臨近的亞洲各國。其實無論是法律圈或是 企業界,要求設立商事法院的聲音一直以來都未曾間斷,可惜的是我國對於商事 法院現有的討論,多是偏向外國法制的介紹,這些外國法的經驗或許有其價值, 然而法院的設立其實牽涉到相當寬廣之層面,因此筆者擬以更系統性的方式,完 整地討論我國商事法院的設立。 本論文會先進行司法專業化理論面的討論,再進一步走向實然面。理論面上, 肯定司法專業化的傳統多數見解,都是立基於專業化後可以帶來效率與法律見解 的穩定,本文則希望在這些想法下走得更遠,透過與我國訴訟制度法理的結合, 來論證商事法院成立的必要性;再者,作為我國實務上第一間專業法院,智慧財 產法院的成效在專業法院的討論上有其代表性,本文將以智慧財產法院作為實然 面討論重心,同時也一併關心我國專庭制度的運作現況;比較法上,由於許多國 家的制度也已為國內學者所介紹,在這樣的情況下,內文比較法重心將放在 2015 年甫成立的新加坡國際性商事法院,其設立過程留下的評估報告以及相關法規, 都是我國成立商事法院,甚至走向國際化的豐富參考材料。 成立商事法院是一個複雜的問題,本論文試圖在有限的版面中,就這個問題 提出自己的想法,也希望透過這樣的研究,讓未來各方在討論這個問題時,有一 個方向可為依循。使台灣的經商環境更加健全、促進經濟之發展。


On commercial cases, courts in Taiwan tend to rule unstably and lead through excessive trial levels. The unstableness and burdensome trial levels result in poorer rankings in the global business environment of the IMF report when compared with neighboring Asian countries. In fact, requests, both from legal and business field, of establishing a commercial court have never stopped. However, prior discussions of a commercial court system merely focused on the introductions of foreign legal systems. These foreign experiences may have their value, but the establishment of a commercial court is de facto a fairly extensive subject, and therefore, this thesis is intended to completely discuss this subject in a more systematic way. This thesis will first discuss the theory of judicial specialization, and move forward to the practical sphere. In the discussions of the theory of judicial specialization, this thesis ascertains major opinions on judicial professionalism, which agrees that specialization shows efficiency and stability. Nevertheless, this thesis wish to go further beyond these opinions by reasoning through a combination of Taiwanese litigation system and jurisprudence to demonstrate the necessity for the establishment of a commercial court; Moreover , since the Intellectual Property Court, as the first professional court in Taiwan, is a success, its importance in the subject of establishing a professional court cannot be underestimated. Hence, when discussing the practical sphere of a professional court, this thesis will mainly focus on the experience of establishing the Intellectual Property Court, but will also mention about the operating status of professional court system; From the perspective of legal comparison, since the legal systems of a professional court of other countries have been introduced by lots of Taiwanese scholars, this thesis will focus on the Singapore International Commercial Court, which has been just established in 2015. The establishment of Singapore International Commercial Court leaves an abundance of assessment reports and relevant laws/ regulations, all of which serve as valuable material when heading toward the path to establishing a commercial court and to internationalizing the legal system in Taiwan. The establishment of a commercial court is a complicated issue. This thesis not only provides a different idea, but also shows a route to discussing this issue. Last but not least, the idea of this thesis, if applied in discretion, may contribute a prosperous future for business and economic environment to Taiwan.


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