  • 學位論文

傳統照明企業的商業模式轉型之研究: 以”虹瑞斯”品牌為例

The Research on Business Model Trasformation of Traditional Lighting Industry : A Case Study of “Home Resource”

指導教授 : 謝明慧


回顧臺灣早期的經濟發展模式,剛開始接受歐美先進國家的外包訂單與代工OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturing)業務,而後逐漸發展出臺灣特有的代工產業發展的優勢。到了1980年代,臺灣生產成本與環保意識崛起,鄰近新興國家(如東南亞與中國大陸)亦開始模仿臺灣的代工發展模式,導致臺灣原有生產優勢及利潤無法持續,部分廠商不得不將工廠外移至生產成本較低的世界各地,以延續其OEM業務,有些廠商則轉型為研發設計ODM(Original Design Manufacture)或是發展擁有自我自主品牌的OBM(Own Brand Manufacture)業務。 本次研究主要是訪談成立於西元1988年的個案公司-偉聖國際股份有限公司。20餘年來主要經營燈飾產業外銷歐美50多國;研究者為個案公司之創辦人,從事照明產業長達30年的經驗,且走訪世界50多國的行銷經驗,並在其擔任臺灣照明公會第六屆理事長3年期間,率臺灣業界精英親征世界各大國際展覽,穩固臺灣燈飾王國美名,直至今日榮任照明公會名譽理事長仍不遺餘力於兩岸照明產業的相互交流以期共創雙贏。 總而言之,本次研究將訪談個案公司從傳統照明產業轉型為品牌節能照明產業,如何從後發品牌迎頭趕上,成為國際領導品牌,個案公司更加要從產銷差異、品牌規模及行銷組合之運用,徹底發揮品牌價值。本研究主要目的: (一)探討個案公司發展歷程中所面臨的困難與挑戰?轉型驅動力? (二)探討個案公司在不同時期如何建構有效的商業模式,其經營的特色、內涵與關鍵活動? (三)建構個案公司未來發展電商品牌策略之商業模式 由於本研究主要目的為本研究為針對之個案公司理級以上主管,訪談個案公司在不同時期經營的特色、內涵與關鍵活動,並就各時期之價值主張所發展出來的商業模式,建構個案公司未來發展電商品牌策略之創新商業模式,藉由本研究建構出個案公司新的電商品牌商業模式,並關注中國電商跨境發展趨勢,調整公司策略。同時也是個案公司為了再次突破營運現況,提升企業競爭力,以「虹瑞斯Home Resource」的電商品牌發展與策略來為企業的生存創造下一個奇蹟。


Reviewed the early Taiwan economic development model,which has just started to accept the outsourcing orders and OEM (original equipment manufacturing) business from advanced countries like Europe and America , then gradually developed unique advantages in Taiwan"s foundry industry. By the 1980s, Taiwan production cost and environmental protection consciousness rise, adjacent to the emerging countries, such as Southeast Asia and Mainland China also began to imitate Taiwan"s OEM development mode, resulting in Taiwan original production advantages and profits cannot be sustained, some manufacturers had to move the factories to other places with low production cost to continue its OEM business, some manufacturers transfer to do R & D design ODM (original design manufacture) or develop their own brand OBM (own brand manufacture) business. This research mainly interviewed the case company founded in 1988 - Home Resource Industrial Co Ltd, which has mainly engaged in manufacture and exported lighting products to over 50 countries across the world in last 2 decades. The case researcher Sam Chen, the founder of the company who has been in the lighting industry for 30 years and visited about 50 countries for marketing various products. Sam Chen has led many elite lighting enterprises to attend lots of world famous exhibitions and “ Lighting kingdom “ is therefore more solidified during the three years when he was Chairman of TLFEA. Even now being the Director of CEECA and LABC, Sam Chen still commits to win-win on interactions between China and Taiwan. In brief, Home Resource Industrial Co Ltd is a typical company which transferred into branded LED lighting from traditional power lighting. This research aims at exploring how “Home Resource” catches up the trend and eventually becomes a leading international well-known brand in lighting industry. And all the successes are due to implement various strategies of segmentation of production and sales, brand scale and marketing mix. The goals of the research are as following. (1) To explore the difficulties and challenges during development faced by the company? Transformation driving force? (2)To explore how to construct the effective business model, the management characteristics, the company content and the key activities in different periods? To construct the creative business model of the brand strategy for the company in the future development. Due to the main goals of this study are at the case company and above the level of the competent,exploring the effective business model, the management characteristics, the company content and the key activities in different periods and constructing the creative business model of the brand strategy for the case company in the future development and focusing on China's cross-border business development trend, and adjusting the company strategy. Meanwhile the case company is to make a breakthrough, enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises. "Home Resource" is taken as an example of miracle in business brand development and strategy for the survival of enterprises.


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