  • 學位論文


Exhibition and Politics: The Political Discourses of National Palace Museum, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall and Taipei 228 Memorial Museum.

指導教授 : 陳翠蓮


本研究主要探討博物館與國家的互動關係,檢視博物館的政治性意涵,以及做為權力正當化的工具性用途。在歐美學者為主的博物館文獻中,過去學者點出博物館的政治性,透過展示空間的安排與規劃,博物館往往成為國家傳遞政治論述的主要場域,然而卻沒有進一步細究與國家的關聯性。因此,本研究從戰後台灣的經驗出發,以蔣介石、蔣經國與李登輝三個統治階段所成立的博物館:故宮博物院、中正紀念堂、台北二二八紀念館為中心,試圖了解國家在什麼時候會建造一座博物館?博物館對於國家,特別掌握國家權力的統治者,有何重要性?博物館與威權政體的關係為何?本研究透過對代表性博物館的個案分析,探討各博物館的時代背景、籌建過程與展示內容,呈現國民黨政府在不同統治階段中對於博物館的運用,以及其背後的政治論述。 從三座代表性博物館的研究,可以看到國民黨政府威權時期對於博物館不同形式的政治運作。本研究指出,在蔣介石、蔣經國和李登輝三位領導者的統治階段,國民黨政府透過博物館的建築設計、行政階層、展示規劃等面向的操作,打造出不同的政治論述。從威權到民主化過程,國民黨政府建立博物館的目的,隨著時代變遷而有所轉變:從一開始蔣介石時期將故宮博物院作為「政治反攻」向外爭取正統的工具,到蔣經國時代興建中正紀念堂以合理化國民黨的權力繼承與穩固,到最後李登輝時期,消極抵制台北二二八紀念館的建造,以削弱本土論述對於國民黨統治的威脅與挑戰。作為國家統治者,國民黨政府對於博物館功能運用,從積極外擴宣傳、鞏固內部權力,到最後消極抵制,可以看出國家的介入逐漸降低,而在論述上也不斷進行調整,以維繫其統治正當性,呈現了威權體制的轉變,以及國民黨政府日益內縮的政治論述。


This research aims to discuss the relation between museums and nations and to examine the political discourses of museums which are utilized to legitimize the authorities. In the museum study, the former researches pointed out that museum has been considered as a main stage to present political discourses of nations by arranging and displaying exhibits. However, those researches did not further discuss the interaction between museums and nations. Therefore, with a case study in post-war Taiwan, this study focuses on three iconic museums in Taiwan: National Palace Museum, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall and Taipei 228 Memorial Museum, built under different leaderships in the KMT regime, and explores a number of questions: Why and when do nations build a museum? What role do museums play in nations? What the relation is between museums and authoritarian regimes? Examining the historical contexts, constructions and exhibitions of three representative museums, this research analyzes the utilization and the political discourses of these museums under different leaderships of the KMT. According to the finding of this study, the author demonstrates the political operation of museums in the KMT’s authoritarian regime. Under leadership of Chiang Kai-shek, and Chiang Ching-kuo and Lin Teng-hui, the KMT government shaped different political discourses by the architectural design, administrative units and exhibition arrangement of museums. This study argues that the KMT’s purpose of building museums has changed during the transition from authoritarian rule to democracy. In the beginning of authoritarian regime, museums are considered as powerful sticks to strike external enemy (the PRC) in the case of National Palace Museum. Then, when Chiang Ching-kuo took over the one-party authoritarian state from his father, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall was built to legitimize the succession and to strengthen the internal legitimacy of the KMT. With the challenge from society during the democratization process, the KMT lost its dominance in building museums and passively resisted the constructing of Taipei 228 Memorial Museum with the concerns about the new local power which will undermine the legitimacy of the KMT. As a dominator of the country over a long period of time, the KMT government has changed his utilization of museums from external expansion, internal consolidation to passive resistance. The change indicates that the interference of state power in museums had declined and that the political discourses of museums has retreated and been modified to legitimize the KMT regime.


王振寰,〈臺灣的政治轉型與反對運動〉,《臺灣社會研究》,2(1),1989:71 - 116。
吳淑瑛,〈博物館展覽與國族、文化的想像一以「倫敦中國藝術國際展覽會(1935 -1936)」為例的觀察〉,《近代中國》,(157),2004:44-70。
