  • 學位論文


The Metamorphosis of Fishery: The Socio-ecological Transformation at Tai-jiang, Tainan

指導教授 : 王志弘


本文探討台南台江魚塭的演變,如何服膺於都市轉型邏輯,並且剝離原來居民與魚塭的互動,造成人們無法再賴以維生而被迫逃離原居地。作者爬梳彙整官方文書、報紙雜誌與網路資訊,以及佐以參與式觀察與深入訪談,檢視了魚塭在台灣發展的歷史進程,勾勒出台江濱海自然的樣貌,以及都市化擴張如何運用保育化與遊憩化措施收編魚塭,進而將濱海自然轉化為都市自然。因而,本文結合社會自然(socio nature)的人與非人共同建構環構的觀點,以及尺度政治(scale politics)的再�去領域化視角,察查人與自然、城鄉之間的權力交錯與互動所構築的新陳代謝機制而指出,看似單純因應魚貨市場價格而大幅停塭的台江地域,實則藉由台南市府諸多政策建設,重返發展的軌道;但以魚塭作為社會生態(social ecology)觀之,其實是台江魚塭的組件於1990 年代中期開始遭到地方政權襲奪,據此推動都市-區域再結構,維持市區中心性,造成魚塭組件間失去聯繫,因而更無自力回復的可能。 魚塭自台江開始發展即具有吸納風險與自我擴張的特性,隨著時間的推進而必須投入更多成本部署,並維持魚塭組件間的搭配。然,也就是因為魚塭持續不停擴張的過程,作其社會生態循環並非穩固不變,所遭遇的自然作用力如洪患氾濫、水質汙染的威脅也隨之俱增。魚塭的組件遭到城市增長所需而被挪移或清除後,原來協調自然作用力的功能因而瓦解。都市政權必須投入更多政策資源,處理魚塭潰散後留下的風險,而加深了台江地區對於以市中心為主要考量的地方政權的依賴。 城市擴張也仰賴市區新成中產階級的支持,魚塭於是成為市區凝視的對象。然而,安全與秩序仍舊是中產階級渴求的生活水準,以至於城市擴張的治理機構也摧毀了以魚塭為中心的維生網絡,尤其偏重個別優化對待的保育化與遊憩化措施,也摧毀魚塭組件間的關連。然而,與台灣本島斷裂的漁光島長期遭到隔離於市區,卻又有幾次與陸地直接連繫而引誘著觀光化與工業化的發展工程,最後又 因為連繫中斷成為孤島而有所停擺。當面對保育化作為都市擴張的正當性手段而被要求開放時,恰巧過去受到壓制的國防邊陲與自然素地成為主要標的,而變為多重發展力量角逐的前線戰場。這給予了相關行動者挪移戰略的空間,將部份居民帶回原來的維生地,並且嘗試建立迥異於觀光遊憩化、保育化和房地產開發的另類社會生態循環。


台江 魚塭 濱海自然 保育化 遊憩化 漁光島 都市擴張


This article regards the evolution of fish farms at Tai-jiang in Tainan, is obedient to a logic for urban transformation, makes people deprived of home. Based on official documents, journalism, online information, as well as participant observation and indepth interview, the marina nature in Tai-jiang is described and historical examined how to become urban nature. From Socio Nature and Scale Politics of view, the reconstruction of urban-region is to maintain urban centrality by depredation which is launched by the local regime. It made each components of fish farms unassembled and lose an opportunity for recovery of socio-ecoloy in Tai-jiang. Fish farms is always increasing more effort and cost to keep their components stable. Nevertheless, the expanding progress faces act of god more and more (e.g, inundation, pollution). Their components are eareaed for urban growth, and fish farms are losing coordination against nature force . Urban regime has to invest more policy resource and capital to deal the collapse, as well as Tai-jiang must depend on urban centrality more. Urban growth also needs support from the new-middle bourgeoisie who live in urban center area, and Fish farms are finally becoming a object what is gazed by them. Conservation and recreation ,bourgeoisie likes, destroy the connect between the components for city-expand . However, Yuguang Island was defense-zone for national security in the past, and now is as the front battlespace where all kind of development power including conservation and recreation. They offer the local actors opportunities to imagine other socio-ecological blueprints except tourism and real estate.


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