  • 學位論文


U.S. South China Sea Policy (2001-2016)

指導教授 : 楊永明


南海爭議在21世紀成為中美二國最重要的議題之一,已經成為中美雙方外交必爭 之地。南海爭議涉及領域廣泛,牽涉無數行為者,並包括國際法、軍事能力、國際貿易以及自然資源。隨著中國大陸經濟發展,美國外交決策者愈來愈擔心中共在亞太地區試圖取代 美國的政經地位,而中共想要確立其於亞太地區的霸權地位,排斥美國的軍事及政 經影響力,未來雙方的對抗必定愈來愈激烈。本文主要著重南海爭議,藉此分析中美外交決策與軍事關係。筆者將先回顧南海歷史,並闡述南海周邊國家所有的主權主張,並討論南海議題相關的國際法、國際貿易及自然資源等爭議。接著,筆者將 以歷史紀錄來分析美國之南海政策自2001年至2016年、中美軍事實力、及其他考量與目的。筆者希望藉由本文深探中美對於南海爭議的決策將為雙方關係帶來什麼結果,並預期南海爭議之下中美間的互動關係。 自2001年至2016年美國之南海政策又變化又持續。不過,變化非常微妙,圍繞對於南海爭議的態度以及進行航行自由任務的頻率。在歐巴馬當總統時,美國開始將航行自由權利及南海地區和平穩定看成國家權利表現出來美國之南海政策的一個主要的變化。基本上,美國在南海政策繼續符合美國傳統的外交目的。在南海地區發生的變化都來自於中國的侵略行動,包括土地復墾、人工島嶼的軍事化。由於南海地區緊張局勢上升,美國重視的主要利益變成愈來愈冥想,圍繞捍衛航行自由權利、維持和平穩定及嚇阻中國使用武力來危害包圍南海地區的國家。


As the South China Sea conflict continues to escalate tensions between China, the United States and other South East Asian nations, it is increasingly important to grasp America’s evolving South China Sea policy and role as a guarantor of stability in the Pacific Rim. While the United States is not a claimant in the South China Sea dispute, it is a pacific power with key economic and security interests in both the South China Sea and the surrounding region. Given America’s historic role in maintaining peace and stability in the region, it is not only appropriate, but increasingly necessary for the United States to stand up for core interests including the right to freedom of navigation, commitment to peaceful resolution of disputes and general preservation of international norms. These interests have not only benefitted all Pacific nations’ development, but also facilitated political stability and a general state of peace and prosperity. Over the last two decades, America’s foreign policy and general strategy in the South China Sea have experienced some subtle changes, but, at its core, the guiding principles and policy objectives have remained a constant. America continues to protect freedom of navigation, promote peace and stability, and deter China from using its economic or military might to threaten or cajole neighboring countries into foregoing a multi-lateral, peaceful resolution of territorial disputes. These core interests have and will continue to be promoted by US foreign policy in the region, regardless of who serves the office of the presidency. Despite the appearance of radical change in America’s policy towards the South China Sea, there have been very few concrete deviations in US South China Sea policy in the past two decades. In contrast to the United States’ attempts at maintaining freedom of navigation operations and general calls for de-escalation of tensions, the People’s Republic of China has over the last decade increasingly utilized military force, economic threats and land reclamation to destabilize the region and cement baseless territorial claims. It is the latter that has led to increased tensions and resulted in subtle changes in US foreign policy in the South China Sea.


顧長永(2010),〈中美對峙與南海島嶼主權爭端發展〉,《全球政治評論》,第 32 期,頁 7-12。
胡志泓,〈海上機動之國際法探討-以防空識別區為例〉,《國防雜誌》,第 23 卷第 6 期,頁 86。
Hayton, Bill. 2014. The South China Sea: The Struggle for Power in Asia. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
