  • 學位論文


A Study on Business Model Under B2B E-Commerce Platform

指導教授 : 蔣明晃


全球B2B市場規模預計將在2020年達到6.7兆美元,B2B電子商務平台在亞洲如雨後春筍般出現。隨著智慧型手機普及,透過大數據、物聯網,以及雲端運算的應用,配合金融機構與高度發展的物流運輸業,結合物流、金流、資訊流使電子商務平台商業模式有更多的變化與可能性,不再是單純銷售商品或提供資訊,創新商業模式不斷出現,大量創業者前仆後繼投入發展。為了幫助創業者了解平台商業模式的本質並調整自身商業模式,本研究將B2B平台分成四種類型,輔以雙邊市場的概念詳述它們的特性,以此分類方式為基礎,進行九間B2B平台公司的案例研究。 本研究將平台更詳細地分類,依據分類特性並利用平台商業模式框架,創業者更容易找出自身平台商業模式的問題。


The global B2B e-commerce market size will reach 6.7 trillion USD by 2020. Since the popularity of smart phone, through the application of Big Data, Internet of Things, and Cloud Computing, entrepreneurs who cooperate whit financial institutions and logistics industry have made B2B e-commerce business model ever-changing. Nowadays, new B2B platform companies are springing up across Asia. In order to help entrepreneurs realize the essence of B2B platform business model and adjust their own business model, this research divides B2B platform into four categories and describes their characteristics. Based on these categories and the conception of two-sided market, this research will conduct nine case studies of B2B platform companies. With these characteristics of four categories, entrepreneurs can find the problem of their own B2B platform business model easily.


Business Model B2B e-commerce Two-Sided Market Case Study Platform


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