  • 學位論文


The Evolution of PLA’s “Integrated Air and Space” Military Strategic Thinking (1991~2016)

指導教授 : 陳世民


解放軍的軍事現代化是二十一世紀亞太區域安全的重大議題,「空天一體」軍事戰略是解放軍眾多軍事戰略中,最為先進、和最具有威脅性的戰略。然而,自2004年中共通過發展「空天一體」軍事戰略的發展決議後,官方甚少公開具體的作戰思維、武裝能力建設、作戰體系建構…等。因此,本文透過文獻分析法和演繹法,整理相關文獻;以及透過戰略研究途徑,希冀建構解放軍「空天一體」軍事戰略的完整研究架構,包含其發展動機、戰略內涵、武裝能力,以及最新發展和未來可能影響。   本研究發現,中共當局受到1991年波斯灣戰爭經驗的衝擊後,認知發展空天一體軍事戰略是未來解放軍資訊化轉型能否成功的關鍵點。惟有掌握制空天權,才能掌握制資訊權,幫助解放軍在局部戰爭中獲取戰略優勢。因此,解放軍組織軍內研究專家,全面討論空天一體軍事戰略概念,深入分析空天一體作戰思維和空天軍事武器發展的構想,希冀建構具有中共特色的空天一體軍事戰略思維。在歷經江澤民、胡錦濤時期的發展後,中共的太空科技發展十分快速。人造衛星、空中作戰飛機、彈道導彈的發展讓解放軍逐漸擁有空天一體作戰能力。到了習近平時期,解放軍開始進行軍事指揮體制的改革,戰略支援部隊、火箭軍的出現,以及中央軍委組織、戰區制度、聯合作戰體系的改革,解決過往空天一體作戰指揮體系的爭議。隨著空天作戰指揮體系的完善和空天武器裝備的發展完成,解放軍預計在2020年將會具備初級的空天一體作戰能力,對於亞太區域國家、美軍基地和美國本土形成嚴峻的軍事挑戰。


The military modernization of People’s Liberation Army(PLA) is one of the most important security issues in Asia Pacific region. “Integrated Air and Space” military strategy is PLA’s most advancing and threatening strategy. However, Chinese Government and PLA rarely published the detail of “Integrated Air and Space” military strategy, including military tactics, military capabilities, the combat system, etc, in public after the resolution of developing “Integrated Air and Space” military strategy in the meeting of PLA Central Military Commission. Hence, this research aims to construct PLA’s integraeted air and space strategy study, deeply analyzing PLA’s motivation, the concept of strategy, the development of military capabilities, latest update and the possibly impact in the future.   This research has found out that PLA had noticed that the development of “Integrated Air and Space” military strategy is the essential component of PLA’s informationalized transformation after the impact of Gulf War in 1991. The leaders of Chinese Communist Party and PLA believed that controlling the space and air environment could help PLA control the information in the battlefield, giving them the military superiority. Therefore, PLA had gathered many experts, discussing the concept of “Integrated Air and Space” military strategy, including combat thinking and the development of weapons. PLA aimed to build the “Integrated Air and Space” strategic thinking with Chinese characteristics. PLA had already developed advancing air and space military technologies, such as satellites, combat airplanes, and missile capabilities in the age of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao. In the age of Xinjing Ping, PLA began the military reform, restructuring PLA, such as the appearance of PLA Rocket Force, PLA Strategic Support Force, reorganizing PLA’s Central Commission, joint combat system and new theater commands. PLA had resolved the dispute of the commanding combat system of “Integrated Air and Space”. PLA might have the basic “Integrated Air and Space” military capabilities after finishing the military reform and the development of the advancing weapons with regard to integrated air and space military capabilities in 2020. With the military capabilities of integrated air and space, PLA will become the major challenge to the countries and U.S. military bases in Asia Pacific region, including continent in America.


