  • 學位論文


The Influence of Hikers’ Early-life Outdoor Experiences to their Environmental Attitude

指導教授 : 吳崇旗


本研究目的為探討登山者早期戶外經驗對於日後環境態度形成之影響。本研究採用問卷調查法,以台中市大坑步道18歲以上之登山者為對象進行現地調查,共計發放500份樣本,扣除填達不完整之問卷,共回收有效問卷444份。本研究以SPSS12.0進行資料處理,統計方法包含:描述統計、典型相關及多元迴歸等方法,進行資料處理。 登山者早期戶外經驗問項包括「個人戶外經驗」、「組織戶外活動與教育」、「負面環境事件」;環境態度使用新環境典範量表(NEP),共分為「自然界的平衡」、「成長限制」、「人定勝天」三大構面作為測量問項。 研究結果發現早期戶外經驗確實能夠有效解釋整體環境態度,其中「負面環境事件」是最有效的預測指標,其次為「個人戶外經驗」。「組織戶外活動與教育」該指標則未達顯著水準。而透過典型相關分析,早期戶外經驗與環境態度呈現出相關並有顯著,這與過去相關研究結果,大部分都呈現出相符合的情形。其中「早期個人戶外經驗」及「組織戶外活動與教育」參與次數較少,對於「人定勝天」會抱持著負面看法,可解釋登山者雖然於早期參與經驗及環境教育較少,他們會認為人類生來是無權掌控大自然的能力,可以瞭解人類與自然彼此必須相互尊重,代表受試者對於環境態度有良好的概念。最後依據結果,則提出管理及教育意涵與後續研究建議。


The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of hikers’ early-life outdoor experiences on the environmental attitudes. The method of survey was used. The questionnaires were distributed to the representative sample of 500 hikers over 18 year-old at Daken Trail in Taichung. Taking out of uncompleted and ineffective questionnaires, the final collection of questionnaires are 444 samples. This survey data was processed by SPSS12.0 software. The statistical methods including: descriptive statistics, canonical correlation, and multi-regression analysis. The question items of mountain hikers’ early-life outdoor experience including: “individual outdoor experience”, “outdoor activity organization and education”, and “negative environmental incidents.” For environmental attitudes NEP (New Environmental Paradigm Scale) was used as the survey questions and divided into three main subscales: “balance of nature”, “limitation of growth” and “human can overpower natural forces”. According to the results, this research found that early-life outdoor experiences is a good predictor to the whole environmental attitudes, especially “negative environmental incidents” which is the most effective predictive index, secondly will be the “individual outdoor experience”. And “outdoor activity organization and education” shows significantly less than the standard of predictive index. Through the analysis of canonical correlation, like most of the result of past studies, this research finds the relevance influence of “early-life outdoor experiences” to environmental attitudes. From the survey this research finds that the subject hikers have less “individual outdoor experience” and “outdoor activity organization and education”, though, they have different opinion of the idea “human can overpower natural forces”. Most of the hikers didn’t have much experience of outdoor activity and environmental education but they think human can not conquer nature, and also they can understand that human should respect the nature. Also, the finding shows that the survey subjects have correct idea about environmental attitudes. Furthermore, recommendations for further research, management and education were provided.


