  • 學位論文


Exploring the Effects of the Blog Cascaded Activities—Based on Internet Group Dynamic Approach.

指導教授 : 廖世義


本研究為探討部落格串連活動對社會大眾所產生的影響,深入瞭解各別影響的強度以及如何有效的管理部落格串連活動,以兩回合的修正式德菲法問卷,分別萃取出部落格串連活動的六項正面影響結果及六項負面影響結果,並且搜集12位專家對於部落格串連活動正負面影響結果的運用或因應的建議。研究結果顯示,在影響程度相對較強及發生可能性相對較高的影響結果中,正面的有「建構認同感」、「加強凝聚力」及「形成社群」,負面的則有「造成團體極化現象」、「營造團體行為假象」,本研究建議針對此部分的影響應高度重視,並且作立即運用與改善。 最後本研究將部落格串連活動的發展分為四個階段,分別為吸引期(attracting)、擴張期(extending)、融合期(merging)與實現期(acheiving),並且提出各階段的管理策略(4C),包括合作(corporation)、溝通(communication)、社群(community)及顧客關係(customer relationship),以作為欲實施部落格串連活動者實務運用之參考。


In this study, in order to explore the effects of the Blog cascaded activities, and understand the intensity of each effects, find how to management it effectively. We investigated the effects by two rounds modified Delphi method and obtain positive and negative effects each six. We also collect twelve experts’ suggestion of how to apply or response to the results. The result of study shows, in relatively strong in influence degree and the relatively higher possibility, there are, “to establish identification”, “to increase cohesionand “to build the community” in positive effects, the negative one has “in cause of the group polarization”, “ the false appearance of group's collective behavior ”. This research proposes that we should pay highly attention to the influence of this part, and apply or improve them immediately. In the last, we conclude the four developing stages of the Blog cascaded activities, they are “attracting-stage”, “extending-stage”, “merging-stage”, and “achieving-stage”. And according to the developing stages of the Blog cascaded activities, we also conclude the four-Cs management strategy, including “corporation”, “communication”, “community” and “customer relationship”, for people who want to practice the Blog cascaded activities reference.


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