  • 學位論文


Study on Key Success Factors of Community Land Readjustment Area Development Strategy From the view of Rural Tourism

指導教授 : 彭克仲


農村社區土地重劃其主要目標是建構優質農村生活環境,但農村地區有些蘊含豐富人文生活,及自然景觀、特殊農業生產等,該地區在何指標下可發展何種主題之休閒社區以土地重劃為工具,配合周邊環境規劃,引導該地區居民發展鄉村旅遊產業。 本研究之目的主要在於從鄉村旅遊觀點分析探討農村社區土地重劃開發策略之關鍵因素,具體研究結果在開發鄉村旅遊農村社區土地重劃之評估關鍵因素有四大面向,以「生產經濟」的重要性最高,「生態環境」、「生活文化」依序次之,「社會政治」的重要性最低。在各指標之整體排序中,整體而言,以「地理自然景觀」為最重要的指標,其次為「農民教育訓練」,第三為「專業農民與農民組織」,餘順次為「生物多樣性」、「農林漁牧產業」、「公共服務設施」、「具地方特色之文化節慶活動」、「社區發展願景居民認同感」、「農村特有之聚落與建築及古蹟」、「林木與植栽(面積)」、「在地組織之有無及推動」、「公部門參與支持」。 農業體驗社區重劃其考量評估指標之排序為專業農民與農民組織、農民教育訓練、農林漁牧產業……,開發手段則以農地重劃為主,農村社區土地重劃為輔,並加強提升社區居民之願景及認同感。 生態休閒社區重劃其考量評估指標之排序為地理自然景觀、生物多樣性、公共服務設施……,開發手段採區段徵收為主,農村社區土地重劃為輔,並加強社區居民認同感及在地組織之推動。 度假農莊社區重劃其考量評估指標之排序為公共服務設施、社區發展願景居民認同感、具地方特色之文化節慶活動……,開發手段以農村社區土地重劃為主,區段徵收為輔,並加強公共設施服務品質的提升及農民的轉型教育訓練。 民宿文化社區重劃其考量評估指標之排序為社區發展願景居民認同感、具地方特色之文化節慶活動、農村特有之聚落與建築及古蹟……,開發手段以農村社區土地重劃為主,區段徵收為輔,政府應加強提升社區居民之願景及認同感,與公共設施服務品質的提升及農民的轉型教育訓練。 綜合各項評估指標政府首要應發展農業體驗社區,再次為生態休閒社區,餘次為度假農莊社區、民宿文化社區。


The main goal of land readjustment in rural communities is to establish a high quality of life in rural villages. But some areas in the rural villages offer cultural and humanistic enriched life, natural landscapes, special farming productions and more, as to which thematic measurement should aim for its development with various land readjustment tools, which can cooperate with the area planning of surroundings to direct local residents into tourist development of rural villages. This study mainly focuses on the analysis of crucial elements of land readjustment in rural communities from the perspective of rural tourism. The four aspects of concrete research results that play important evaluative rolls in farm land readjustment according to their importance are first “economic production,” second “ecological environment,” third “living culture” and fourth “social politics.” Among all indicators and their order, overall speaking, the “geographic and natural landscape” is the most important indicator, “farmers’ educational training” is the second, “professional farmer and farmer’s organization” is the third, and the remaining indicators according to their importance are “biodiversity,” “agricultural, forestry, fishery and husbandry industries,” “public service facilities,” “cultural festivities and activities embedded with local specialties,” “shared vision of community development and sense of identity among residents,” “featured settlements, architecture specialties and historic sites in the faming villages,” “(the size of ) forestry and plantations,” “extent of local organization’s involvement in its development,” and “the support and involvement of public departments.” In terms of readjustment in experiential rural communities, the indicators in the order of their importance are: “professional farmer and farmer’s organization,” “farmers’ educational training,” “agricultural, forestry, fishery and husbandry industries”, and so on. The developmental methods and farmland readjustment play the main roles; rural communities land readjustment plays a supportive role, and finally enhancing a shared vision and a sense of identity among community residents should also be considered. The evaluative indicators for recreational eco-friendly communities according to their importance are: geographic landscape, biodiversity, and public facilities… The main developmental method is zone expropriation, supported by rural communities land readjustment, and then to enhance the sense of local identity among residents and the implementation of local organizations. The evaluative indicators of the recreational rural community’s readjustment according to their important are: “public service facilities,” “shared vision of community development and sense of identity among residents,” “cultural festivities and activities embedded with local specialties,”…The main developmental method is land readjustment in rural communities, supported by zone expropriation, and then to enhance the quality of public services and facilities, and the educational training for farmer’s transformation. The evaluative indicators according to their importance in readjustment of guesthouse cultural communities are: “shared vision of community development and sense of identity among residents,” “cultural festivities and activities embedded with local specialties,” “featured settlements, architecture specialties and historic sites in the faming villages”… The land readjustment in rural communities, supported by zone expropriation and the government should also enhance the shared vision and a sense of identity among local resident, increasing the quality of public service policies and facilities, and educational training for farmer’s transformation. To conclude various evaluative indicators, the government should first develop experiential rural communities, next recreational eco-friendly communities, and then recreational rural communities and a guesthouse cultural community.


Edmunds, M.,1999, Rural Tourism in Europe.Travel and Tourism Analyst,6:37-50.


楊文欣(2011)。土地重劃之價值提昇與再利用 —以台中市黎明自辦市地重劃區為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.10967
