  • 學位論文


Assessment of Firefighters Training on Disaster Relief Capacity Enhance

指導教授 : 葉一隆




Firefighters are confronted with many various disaster relief types. Therefore, the firefighters have to familiar various rescue skills and techniques and regular training. In this study, the interactive relation among firefighter’s learning motivation, working stress and training performance are investigated by questionnaire method. The results showed that the male respondent is more than female and the majority age distribution is 31 to 35 years old. In addition, the results by structural equation modeling analysis showed that learning motivation has a positive affected on training performance, and working stress has a negative impact on training performance. The learning motivation through working stress to affect training performance has significant relationship. Therefore, the working stress is a significant factor for firefighter’s training and performance. The training programs should consider the learning characteristics and learning behavior of trainees. Furthermore, the self-learning and learning motivation is led into training programs, and to archive the training purposes.


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