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The Trend of General Music Education-Affective Education in Music Appreciation Course


本研究由情意教育之觀點,探討音樂欣賞課程在通識課程中之角色,並以一所大專校院學生為例,藉由調查學生對音樂欣賞課程之期望與需求,與針對聽音樂與大專校院學生個人生活關係之瞭解,提出情意教育在通識音樂課程設計中之需求性與適切性。 針對研究結果,本研究提供音樂欣賞課程設計的思考方向如下: 一、音樂課程有助於滿足在科技快速發展環境之下,學生之精神與心靈需求。 二、課程設計將影響學生對音樂的認知並提高在生活中運用的可行性。 三、大專校院的學生對認識古典音樂的意願較少年提高。 四、音樂是為每一個人,課程設計應朝向將音樂引導進入生活運用的方向。 五、針對大專院校學生,情意教育在通識音樂課程設計中有其迫切性與重要性。 面對新世紀,更宏觀與彈性之課程設計理念,乃為通識音樂教育的趨勢。


This paper discusses various aspects of research undertakings at a Technological College. It describes how general music appreciation course meets its expectation and the needs of college students from affective education point of view. This study indicates that 1. Music course could meet students' spiritual needs under today's social environment with quick tempo. 2. Course design will influence student's music cognition and enhance the feasibility of mobilizing music in their daily life. 3. Classical music has been proved to be the 'preferred' music style of college students than high school students. 4. Music is for everyone, the course should move towards the direction of life application. 5. The design of music appreciation course should link with affective education domain for college students. The result of this study reveals that there are certain directions for the design of music appreciation course. It discusses how affective education might further contribute to fostering the general music appreciation course. Furthermore, it will highlight the principles of course design in the context of affective education and life-connected approach.
