  • 期刊


Perceived Teaching Behaviors and Sports' Well-Being in Physical Education Class-Mediating Effects of Basic Psychological Needs


本研究目的在探討體育課學生知覺教師教學行為、基本心理需求及運動幸福感的預測情形及中介效果,對象為選修體育課之大學生491位,方法:採用問卷調查法,工具為體育課學生知覺教師教學行為、基本心理需求及運動幸福感量表,資料分析為描述性統計、Pearson積差相關、迴歸分析等。結果:一、體育課學生知覺教師自主性支持行為能夠正向預測運動幸福感、關連需求、自主需求及勝任需求等,而教師控制性行為則是負向預測運動幸福感、關連需求、自主需求及勝任需求等;二、體育課學生知覺自主需求、勝任需求及關連需求能夠正向預測運動幸福感;三、體育課學生知覺關連需求、自主需求及勝任需求能夠部分中介(partial mediation)教師自主性支持行為及運動幸福感,而體育課學生知覺關連需求、自主需求能夠完全中介(full mediation)教師控制性行為與運動幸福感。結論:體育課學生知覺教師自主性支持行為能正面預測運動幸福感及基本心理需求,而教師控制性行為能夠負向預測運動幸福感及基本心理需求,且基本心理需求能夠正向預測運動幸福感。建議體育教師於課程中,應展現出更多自主性支持行為,並降低控制性行為,可以提升學生的基本心理需求,進而提升其運動幸福感。


Purpose: of this investigation was to explore predictive effects and mediating effects of basic psychological needs between perceived teaching behaviors and sports' well-being in physical education classes. The subjects were 491 collegial students engaged optional physical education classes in Taiwan. Method: was the questionnaire used to collect those data. The instrument was the scales of perceived teaching behaviors, basic psychological needs, and sports' well-being in physical education classes. Those data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and regression analysis. Results: were in the follows: (1) The sports' well-being, and basic psychological needs of relatedness, autonomy, and competency perceived by collegial students were positively predicted by autonomy-support teaching behaviors of teachers, and were negatively predicted by controlling teaching behaviors of them. (2) The sports' well-being was positively predicted by basic psychological needs of relatedness, autonomy, and competency of them. (3) Basic psychological needs of relatedness, autonomy, and competency were partial mediations between autonomy-support teaching behaviors and sports' well-being. In addition, Basic psychological needs of relatedness, and autonomy were full mediations between controlling teaching behaviors and sports' well-being. Conclusion,: the sports' well-being and basic psychological needs of relatedness, autonomy, and competency were positively predicted by autonomy-support teaching behaviors of teachers in physical education classes. In addition, those were negatively predicted by controlling teaching behaviors of teachers. Furthermore, the sports' well-being was positively predicted by basic psychological needs of relatedness, autonomy, and competency perceived by collegial students. It advised that physical educators needed to show more autonomy-support teaching behaviors, and less controlling teaching behaviors, to satisfy basic psychology needs of autonomy, relatedness, and competency, and to enhance the sports' well-being in physical education classes.


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