  • 期刊


The analysis of the performance of CPBL transferring players




球員交易 打擊率 防禦率 wRC+ WAR


Purpose: There have been many players that have joined at least 2 different teams in the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) over the years, some are top players who are free agents while others choose a different team for other reasons. This study is going to investigate the before and after performance of these CPBL players who transferred to a different team in recent 10 years, in order to understand how and why they make the transfers. Methods: We evaluated the one-year performance of CPBL players before and after they transferred to different teams between 2009 and 2018 in two stages (excluding free agent players). First, there was an evaluation of the performance of transferring fielders and transferring pitchers utilizing the Paired Sample t-test, and the indicators included basic statistics provided by the official website of CPBL and other advanced statistics, such as wRC+ & WAR. Secondly, we investigated whether the performance of these transferring players and the team performance differ from one another with the Independent Sample t-test. Results: There is no significant difference between the performance of players after transferring to a different team. Nor is there a significant difference in batting average of transferring fielders and the batting average of team. Yet the earned run average (ERA) of the transferring pitchers is significantly higher than the ERA of team. Conclusions: Transferring players do not necessarily deliver better performance, but they do remain their skills without deteriorating. As a result, team managers can decide whether to sign transferring players depending on the team formation, direct capacity, leading ability, salaries, etc. when aiming to elevate the overall competitiveness of the team. The players' performance is not the only consideration to be taken account of when making such decisions.


player deal batting average ERA wRC+ WAR


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