  • 期刊


An Introduction and appraisal of Coaching Behavior Observation Method


本文的目的,擬介紹一系統觀察工具- -教練行為觀察法,此乃取自CBRF教練行為記錄模式及ASUOI運動教練訓練行為系統觀察法的行為類目,將兩者對教練行為的歸類與作者實際應用心得及所得之有關資料加以分析歸納,以觀察了解教練行為出現的種類、次數、時機與特徵之觀察方法與類目。 本系統包含十四種常見的教練行為加上無法編碼的行為共十五種行為類目,先利用錄影器材將教練訓練活動全程錄下,再從錄影帶播放過程中,以事件記錄法,將教練行為加以記錄。倘研究者能正確地將教練行為加以歸類記錄,則本系統將具有很高的信度及效度,此系統除用在團隊運動項目的教練行為研究外,對體育教師教學行為研究也能適用。在對教練行為觀察法的行為類目、使用方式詳加介紹後,作者也提出本觀察法的適用範圍及使用限制,更對研究同好給予後續研究的建議,期盼教練行為的研究能更加蓮勃。


教練行為 系統觀察


The purpose of this study was to introduce a set of system, coaching behavior observation method. Coaching behaviors were categorized by the revised coach behavior recording form (CBRF) and systematic observation of coach behavior (ASUOI). By means of analyzing the classified data, the appearing category; quantity and timing of coaching behavior then were understood. This system includes 15 coaching behaviors . A whole training process conducted by coach was video taped in the first place and then reviewed the tape to record coaches' behaviors. If writer could precisely sort and record coaching behavior, this system would be considered as a high reliability and validity tool. No only can operate in the research of coaching behavior, but also be able to conduct in teaching behavior of physical education. After introducing the direction and behavior category of coaching behavior observation, researcher also propose the limitations and application scope of this behavior observation to provide the recommendations of future research for other researchers, to expect the development of research for coach behavior in the future.


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