  • 學位論文


The Relationship of Conflict Sensitivities, Recreation Conflicts and Coping Behaviors between Cross-Straits Visitors: A Case Study of Sun Moon Lake

指導教授 : 郭彰仁


現今觀光事業之發展,隨社會經濟之進步與成長,旅遊型態越趨多元化。台灣在開放一般大陸觀光客來台觀光後,使得陸客前往台灣旅遊的人次一直佔據著各國來台旅遊人次中相當高的比例。日月潭為全國熱門之觀光遊憩據點,也是陸客來台主要遊覽景點之一,但是在大陸觀光客大量增加之下,使得兩岸遊客在日月潭從事遊憩活動時,接觸的機會增加。如果沒有良好的遊憩資源規劃,容易導致許多課題,最明顯的就是遊客間的遊憩衝突,如擁擠,而伴隨擁擠而來的就是遊憩體驗下降或遊憩資源破壞等負面的結果。本研究以差異理論、目標干擾理論作為影響遊憩衝突因子之理論依據,探討兩岸遊客遊憩衝突的敏感度、遊憩衝突及調適行為間之關係,發展出行為模式,並比較兩岸遊客於模式之差異,以作為日後日月潭相關單位規劃管理之參考,改善兩岸遊客之遊憩衝突,提高觀光旅遊品質。 本研究共獲得595份問卷(台灣遊客301份、大陸遊客294份),經實證研究結果發現,(1)遊憩衝突敏感度顯著負向影響遊憩衝突(t=-2.571, p<0.05);(2)與期望之差異顯著負向影響遊憩衝突(t=-3.264, p<0.01),亦即與期望落差越大,衝突越大;(3)遊憩衝突顯著正向影響調適行為(t=5.485, p<0.001);(4)兩岸遊客在「遊憩衝突敏感度→遊憩衝突」(t=5.225, p<0.01)及「遊憩衝突→調適行為」(t=28.514, p<0.01)之徑路有顯著差異。


Today tourist industries are developing, and tourism types become more diverse along with progressing and growth of the society and economy. The numbers of Chinese tourists to Taiwan have a very high proportion on the numbers of foreign tourists to Taiwan after allowing Chinese tourists to visit Taiwan. Sun Moon Lake is a popular tourism site for Taiwanese and Chinese tourists, but the increasing for Chinese tourists, it also make contact opportunities increasing between Cross-Straits visitors recreating in Sun Moon Lake. If we didn’t plan well for recreation resource, that will easily lead to many problems, the most obvious is recreation conflict between tourists, such as crowding. And recreation experience falling or recreation resource damaging and other negative results occur with crowding. The study would use discrepancy theory and goal interference theory as the theoretical basis for the influence factors of recreation conflict to explore the relationship of conflict sensitivities, recreation conflicts and coping behaviors between Cross-Taiwan Straits Visitors. We’ll develop a pattern of behavior and compare the difference of model between Cross-Taiwan Straits Visitors. With these informations, they can be referred for Sun Moon Lake’s administrant to plan and manage, and that will improve recreation conflicts in Sun Moon Lake to enhance the quality of tourism. A total of 595 valid samples were obtained in the study (Taiwanese tourists were 301, Chinese tourists were 294), and the empirical results found: 1) Conflict sensitivities affected significantly and negatively recreation conflicts (t=-2.571, p<0.05). 2) The discrepancy with expectations affected significantly and negatively recreation conflicts (t=-3.264, p<0.01), and that means when we feel more disappointed, the conflicts will become much large. 3) Recreation conflicts affected significantly and positively coping behaviors (t=5.485, p<0.001). 4) There were significant differences on two paths which were “conflict sensitivities toward recreation conflicts (t=5.225, p<0.01)” and “recreation conflicts toward coping behaviors (t=28.514, p<0.01)” between Cross-Taiwan Straits Visitors.


1. 日月潭國家風景區官方網站,2011,交通地圖,引用日期:101年11月18日,取自http://www.sunmoonlake.gov.tw/。
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4. 王正平,2004,登山健行遊客與登山自行車使用者遊憩衝突之研究,戶外遊憩研究,17(4),71-91。
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