  • 學位論文


The Model of ERP Implementation Key Success Factors: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective

指導教授 : 簡德金


過去,雖已有眾多學者提出企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)導入關鍵成功因素之研究與成果,來提醒企業重視與強化相關領域。但因企業在導入過程中,需不斷整合、建立與重新配置內外部資源、流程及能力,故整體導入專案過程,可說是一種動態現象。也因此,其研究成果無法讓企業在導入過程中,掌握與了解應對之法。為此,本研究將建立ERP專案導入階段,並從動態能力觀點,提出應重視之關鍵成功因素,以作為企業成功導入之參考與基礎。 本研究將在(1)文獻回顧中,歸納ERP導入之關鍵成功因素,以及動態能力基本定義及其類別與構成項目;接著,運用質性訪談法,(2)並以PDCA管理循環作為基礎,建立動態能力架構;(3)整理出具實務應用價值之68項ERP關鍵成功因素,並將其轉置ERP導入流程中;(4)整合關鍵成功因素與動態能力架構各項目之相關性,建立動態能力觀點下之ERP導入關鍵成功因素模型。 研究結果發現,受訪企業主管認為此模型,不僅可提供企業掌握ERP導入階段,更能精準掌握各階段之關鍵成功因素及其動態能力,藉此提升ERP成功導入之機率。


動態能力 ERP 關鍵成功因素


In the past, many scholars have proposed amount of key success factors for implementing Enterprise Resource Planning, to remind enterprises value related scope. However, ERP implementation is a dynamic process to integrate and allocate enterprise’s resource, so their research results can’t be applied in practices. In order to solve it, this research uses the point of view of dynamic capability to propose key success factors that ERP should especially valued, to raise the successful possibility of ERP implementation. This research is (1) reviewing past literature, to reorganize critical success factors of ERP implementation, and propose definition and categories of dynamic capability; Then, this research applies qualitative interview method (2) to establish dynamic capability framework based on PDCA management cycle; (3) summarize 68 practical ERP critical success factor, and insert to ERP implementation process; (4) confirm the relation between critical success factor, and build ERP critical success factor model in dynamic capability perspective. Furthermore, in the point view of practical supervisor, this research result not only provide ERP implementation process for enterprise, but clearly aware the critical success factors and dynamic capability during introduce ERP, and boost possibility to implementation ERP.


Dynamic Capabilities ERP Key Success Factors


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