  • 學位論文


A Study of Applying Drama Strategy in Secondary Visual Arts Curriculum

指導教授 : 陳韻文


今日的視覺藝術教育呼應當代教育與視覺藝術發展的趨勢,主張讓學習者經驗創作、呈現、鑑賞等不同向度的學習,復以九年一貫課程的頒布與實施,鼓勵教學者自主設計課程,整體而言為中學視覺藝術課程開展了多元的可能性。然而,由於九年一貫課程藝術與人文領域新增加表演藝術課程,而學校並無相應的專業師資,教學者必須肩負起教授視覺藝術與表演藝術的責任,遂思索如何將視覺與表演藝術課程產生連結。 基於九年一貫課程,「戲劇」在學校場域中除了作為學科,也作為一種教學的策略—即戲劇作為教學平台媒介不同領域的學習,活化教學,並藉由特定的戲劇情境,培養學習者批判反省與表達自我的能力,同時在此歷程中習得戲劇相關的概念。本研究將戲劇運用於視覺藝術課程,透由課程三層次-計畫、實際、經驗課程檢視彼此的落差,並經由教學活動的歷程-準備、發展、整合活動連結戲劇教學與視覺藝術課程,從中察覺戲劇教學對教與學雙方產生的影響,提示戲劇教學應用在視覺藝術課程面臨更多的挑戰與可能性。 本研究發現,運用戲劇教學可維持學習動力,增加課程的活潑性,增進教與學的對話空間,使視覺藝術課程兼容動態與靜態的學習,同時使學習者經驗不同藝術的學習。然而,研究者省思整體教學歷程亦察覺,在運用議題帶領視覺藝術的學習,應平衡內容與形式的學習,並且在融入戲劇教學法於視覺藝術課程時,兼顧觀(觀眾)•演(演出)者學習。


In response to the contemporary trend of education and visual arts, today’s visual arts education encourages learners to experience creating, presenting and appreciating the works in class. Meanwhile, the Grade 1-9 Curriculum encourages teachers to structure their own lesson plans, additionally opening up the diversity of secondary visual arts curriculum. Owning to the addition of performing arts to Arts and Humanies Learning Area in Grade 1-9 Curriculum and the absence of specialists in school, the researcher as teacher has to take responsibility for teaching both visual arts and performing arts. Consequently, how to connect visual arts with performing arts becomes significant. According to Grade 1-9 Curriculum, drama in school is not merely a subject but also a teaching strategy—it can work as a platform to integrate different learning areas, activate teaching, and develop learners’ critical thinking, expression capability as well as drama literacy. This study applied drama to visual arts curriculum planning and teaching. By evaluating the gap amongst the planned curriculum, enacted curriculum and experienced curriculum, the connection between drama teaching and visual arts curriculum throughout the preparation, development and integration phases, and the impacts on the students as well as the researcher, it highligted the challenges and possibilities of applying drama in visual arts curriculum. The study found that applying drama strategy may benefit learning motivation together with course dynamics and promote the dialogue between teacher and learners, as well as embrace both dynamic and static tasks in visual arts learning and give the learners access to different art forms. Meanwhile, the study also inferred from the fact that one should pay even attention to content and form while taking issues as the starting point of visual arts lesson and look after both sides of audience and performers while applying drama strategy in visual arts curriculum.




陳昱蓁(2012)。高中生對輔助性音樂欣賞教學策略之學習動機調查 -以臺北市高中為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315283597
