  • 學位論文


Research on Family Life Cycle and Income Spending Patterns of the New Female Immigrants

指導教授 : 利亮時


對新移民女性而言,努力工作賺錢的意義和目的是什麼?賺錢之後寄錢回饋娘家,改善娘家經濟,扮演好女兒;或是賺錢貼補夫家家用,扮演好妻子、好媳婦、甚至好母親,還是兩者皆有?她們在這場金錢的使用分配中如何擺放自己的位置? 本研究發現家庭生命週期的階段改變,新移民女性金錢的使用分配方式亦會隨之變化,她們的所得使用分配主要分為下列七項: (一)回饋娘家:她們來台後回饋娘家的所得分配比例會因為孩子的誕生,而呈現減少的現象。 (二)家庭生活開銷:她們將所得分配用於貼補夫家家庭生活開銷的人數以生兒育女階段高於剛結婚時的妻子、媳婦階段。 (三)子女教養:她們大多會分配部分所得於子女的教養。 (四)投資理財:她們將所得分配於投資理財的人數以生兒育女階段最多,且最常使用的投資理財工具是購買人身保險或投資型保單;至於,剛結婚時的妻子、媳婦階段次之;在越南女兒階段則人數為最少。 (五)儲蓄:她們將所得分配於儲蓄的人數以生兒育女階段最多;剛結婚時的妻子、媳婦階段次之;在越南女兒階段為最少。 (六)解鄉愁、品家鄉味:比較新移民女性婚嫁來台後的兩個家庭生命週期階段,她們在品嚐家鄉食物的飲食花費上並沒有太大的變化。 (七)滿足現代性的自我需求:她們將所得分配於滿足現代性的自我需求自主性以剛結婚時的妻子、媳婦階段最高;生兒育女階段的自主性為次之;在越南女兒階段的自主性最為薄弱。


What is the key that drive new female immigrants working hard to earn a living? It could be their hope of sharing the burden of living expenses back in their parental home, playing their part as the daughter of the family; or to play a role of supportive other half, daughter in law and a mother to the family she married into. Perhaps, it was both. So where do they stand in this income distribution expanse? This study shows that as the family life cycle changes, the income spending patterns of these new female immigrants follow. The income distribution was mainly divided into the following seven divisions : 1. Support parental home : As they start to build a family here especially right after giving birth, their support towards their parental family were less. 2. Family expenses : Most of them have children compared to those newly-wed. 3. Children’s education : Most of their allocation goes to their child’s education fund. 4. Financial Investment : Most of them have children and generally approach investment of insurance. As for the newly-wed and daughter-in-laws, the Vietnamese are the least. 5. Savings : They allocate most of their savings for their children’s education fund. As for the newly-wed and daughter-in-laws, the Vietnamese are the least. 6. Homesick : two weeks after the family life cycle, the expenses for savoring hometown delicacies does not cause a big change. 7. Own satisfaction : Most of newly weds will spend their income to fulfill their own satisfaction while those with children spent less on it, while the Vietnamese spent least.


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