  • 學位論文

部落觀光遊客動機、旅遊體驗與行為意圖之關係 ─ 以仁愛鄉武界部落為例

Indigenous Tourism-Exploring the Relationship between Tourist’s Motivation, Experience and Behavioral Intention-A Case Study of Vogai Tribe in Renai Township

指導教授 : 黃裕智


近年來,部落深度微旅行興起,對於選擇來部落旅遊的外地遊客而言,初始的 旅遊動機與過程中的行程體驗,會影響整個旅遊的價值與日後是否會再度造訪的 可能因素。本研究以武界部落觀光遊客為對象,探討其旅遊動機、旅遊體驗與行為 意圖關係。本研究以便利抽樣法,針對仁愛鄉武界部落之遊客,採不記名方式問卷 調查,資料收集時間自 2019年 11月 1日至 2020年 8月 31日。 本研究共計 發放 280份問卷,回收有效問卷 269份 ,無效問卷 11份 研究發現部落遊客旅遊動機 方面,以「親友維繫」動機平均數為最高,可見到規劃部落觀光活動,主要能安排 家人與親友相聚,維繫家人及親友間感情,藉以修補因平日繁忙而疏忽之聯繫。在 旅遊體驗方面,部落觀光遊客最希望能感受部落美感、原始部落有別於大自然的美, 其次,遊客會到部落觀光大多是逃避現實環境的壓力,到部落紓解身心。研究結果 指出旅遊體驗及旅遊動機能正向預測遊客行為意圖。


The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between tourist’s motivation, experience and behavioral intention-a case study of Vogai Tribe in Renai Township. This study develop the questionnaires of the relationships tourist’s motivation, experience and behavioral intention of Indigenous tourism. The samples of customers in Vogai Tribe in Renai Township are 20 years old, finally total number of 269 tourists returned the questionnaires, and there are 11 invalid questionnaires. The data was then analyzed in SPSS 12.0 with statistics methods including description statistics, Pearson correlation and regression. The Results find the significant relationships between tourist’s motivations of Indigenous tourism and tourist’s experience. The Results also find the significant relationships between tourist’s motivations of Indigenous tourism and behavioral intention. The Results find the significant relationships between tourist’s experience of Indigenous tourism and behavioral intention. The regression result also show tourist’s motivation, experience are positive affect behavioral intention.


一、 中文部分
王明元、陳信璋(2011)。澄清湖風景區遊客旅遊動機、滿意度與忠誠度之關聯性研究。Journal of Commercial Modernization,6(1),277-290。
