  • 學位論文


A Study of Factors for Teachers Using IT in Teaching Integration Instruction-Hierarchical Linear Model Approach

指導教授 : 曾淑芬


教室內資訊科技的應用常因中央、地方教育政策,學校等因素而導致不同的狀況,因此探討影響較教師資訊融入教學因素時,單以教師的「資訊素養」、「資訊融入教學態度」的個人層次著手探究,似乎過於簡化問題,教師所處的學校與環境因素都會對教師在運用資訊科技融入教學的程度產生影響,因此在許多結構性環境隔絕的之下,要推展資訊融入教學,除了要考慮各種造成教師應用資訊科技差異的人口、能力、心理特質之外,還要注意教師所處學校組織及環境結構性的因素分析,然而綜觀國內對於影響教師資訊融入教學因素之探討,均以教師個人層次為出發點,區分為教師個人內在與外在兩個層面,研究的範圍也都只限於單一縣市或個別學校的描述性的研究,因此本文將納入教師所處學校組織的政策推行程度,以階層線性模式(hierarchical linear modeling, HLM)進行跨層次分析,其做法乃將不同分析層次的變數同時納入研究架構之中,逐漸分解岀變異量,並提供因果上的可能訊息。 經由本研究分析發現,就教師個人層次而言,分析結果顯示教師對於資訊融入教學態度與教師本身之資訊素養能力對於教師資訊融入教學的程度,具有顯著的正向影響關係,其中以教師資訊素養能力影響最大;就學校層次而言,學校資訊政策推行確實對於教師成效態度及資訊素養能力的提升具有系絡的直接效果存在,然對其教師個人層次變項之影響,其程度並非相同,學校層次因素對於教師資訊素養能力的調節效果並不明顯,反而對於教師資訊融入教學態度的影響較大。綜合而言,影響教師資訊融入教學程度以教師的資訊素養能力為關鍵,學校資訊融入教學之推動,宜以提升教師資訊素養能力為要務。


The usage of IT in classrooms is always affected by the central and local education policy, and the factors from schools, which cause different situation. Therefore, to study the factors that affect the teachers to integrate IT , it is too simple to study only the "information literacy" and "attitude integrating information into teaching" of the teachers. The schools and the environmental factors also affect the teachers adopting IT to integrate into teaching. To promote information integrating into teaching under the isolated structural environments, it is not only required to consider the population, ability and psychology that may affect the teachers using IT. The factors of school organization and environmental structure should also be considered. Therefore, this study will include the school organization and the promotion of policy of the school, and analyze across the levels by hierarchical linear modeling (HLM). The method is to include the variables from different levels in to the study and gradually solve the variation. The possible information on cause and effect will be provided. According to the personal level of the teachers in this study, the result shows that the attitude on integrating information into teaching and his information literacy have positive relationship on the teacher integrating IT into teaching. Among them, the information literacy of the teachers has the greatest effect. For the school level, the promotion of information policy of the school has direct influence on raising the attitude of teacher performance and his information literacy. However, the influence on the variables of the personal level of the teachers is difference. The adjustment effect of the school level on information literacy of the teacher is not significant. Instead, it has greater effect on the attitude of the teacher integrating information into teaching is relatively greater. In general, the information ability of the teacher is the key factor that affects the teacher integrating information into teaching. The most important task of the schools to promote information integrating into teaching is to raise the information ability of the teachers.


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