  • 學位論文


A Consumer Behavior Study of Italian Restaurants in Taoyuan City

指導教授 : 鄭雅穗


近年來,外食人口不斷的增加,大街小巷也一直有新的餐廳如雨後春筍般冒了出來。根據104銀行2006上班族創業趨勢所做的調查,有70%的上班族希望能創業,其中又以72%希望能自行創業也就是不採取加盟的方式,自己當老闆。由於餐廳進入的門檻不如其它性質的產業高,因此,有越來越多人投資餐飲業,除了日式餐廳及中式餐廳是大家最熟知外,義式餐廳更是目前熱門餐飲業。進入餐飲業雖不難,但要如何維持並吸引消費者,則是業者們應該仔細思考的方向。本研究藉由生活型態與消費者實態,探討桃園市義式餐廳消費者行為現況,進而分析消費實態及選店準則並提出義式餐廳在經營上的建議供業者參考。 本研究之研究對象為義式餐廳的消費者,並且以居住在桃園市的消費者做為樣本研究,本研究共發放198份問卷,扣除回答不完整及漏填之問卷,回收185份問卷,有效回收率93%。採用SPSS 12.0版進行資料分析,包括描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe事後檢定與信度檢定等。研究結果有:(1)桃園市義式餐廳的消費者以女性為主,年齡以31-40歲居多,教育程度為大學,已婚比未婚高出13%的比率,月收入平均在20001-40000元之間。消費實態部份以週休假日及晚餐時間消費為主,每人每次消費金額在201-400元之間,消費人數以3-5居多,資訊取得的來源以親友介紹為主。(2)不同型態的消費者在消費實態上只有在消費人數上有差異,在消費時間、消費頻率,消費金額、資訊取得等皆無顯著差異。 (3)不同型態的消費者在選店準則上以品質比較,服務比較、環境比較最為重視。文末對後續研究者提出相關建議,並就餐飲品質、服務、環境等提供建議供業者經營之參考。


In recent years we have seen a booming industry in the food business where more eating outlets and restaurants are found in every corners of the city. This reflects today's society where majority of the working adults having to work late would settle their dinner outside before heading home or young couples finding it troublesome to cook at home after a long day at work One cannot underestimate the work force contribution to the increased numbers of the lucrative food business and with the current economic downturn has lead to more entrepreneurs wanting to venture into food business. We have done a survey of 104 which concluded that more than 70% of the employees' would like to have their own business if that opportunity arises and 72% do not like the idea of franchise organization which they had to pay a franchise fees or face with other constraints. Most entrepreneurs would venture into food business as their first step in business due low capital set up, less complex in the set up and lastly do not require much experience or expertise. Experience are often gained along the way in the set-up process and hiring good cooks to add value to your business. . The most popular restaurants for investment has always been the Chinese and Japanese food but now we are experiencing a gradual shift towards Italian restaurants as they gain their popularity with the mass. It is not so difficult to set up a Italian restaurant but it is how to manage and continue to attract customers to patronize regularly remains a big challenge. The objective of this study will be the consumer behavior which will directly relates to one particular Italian restaurant in Taoyuan city. This study will be based on the utilized lifestyle of AIO (Activities, Interest, Opinion) 、consumptive conduct and store selection . A survey is used as the research method of this study. The total size of the questionnaires are 198 and 185 polls are positive while the rest are not. The successful rate of return is 93%. The methods used SPSS 12.0 to analyze the statistics include:percentage, MANOVA, Scheffe test and chi-square test. The brief conclusion of the results we are going to highlight : (1)The characteristics of the consumers that patronize the Italian restaurant are mostly Female age between 31-40 years old with college background, has a monthly income between NT 200001 – NT 40000, majority of the consumers are married and that constitutes a percentage of 13%, consumers spending falls on week days during dinner time with an average of only 3-5 companies, average spending per meal estimated to be around NT 201- NT 400 - the information given from this survey are from known relatives and friends. (2) Different lifestyle consumers only has difference in companies, other factors are not obviously different. (3) Other factors which influences consumers in the decision making will be on the food quality, food presentation, service standards and the ambience of the restaurant. Several recommendations for future research were advised and some marketing strategies for business operation were advised to owner.


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