  • 學位論文


Project Production and Management of Interactive Digital Display Design

指導教授 : 李其瑋


在科技與藝術各自發展的歷史長河中,從未像現在這麼緊密而且蓬勃的以各種形式於各種場域中整合發展。隨著這股全球科藝熱潮興起,數位媒體已不再侷限於虛擬空間,而是正式結合實體空間,以新的形態與人們互動。不論是藝術的表現手法或是商業的行銷手段,處處可見到科技與藝術聯手創造的心血結晶。新的展示形式啟用了數位媒材,將互動技術融合於展示空間中,帶來了新的設計思維,面對客戶與參觀者必須以新的概念去執行展示設計專案。傳統的展示設計專案在導入互動式數位媒體之後,設計團隊由跨領域背景的人才組成,如何從專案的角度來看待展示設計,讓複合團隊的運作能發揮最大成效,是互動式數位媒體展示設計專案的另一項挑戰。 本研究蒐集來自展示設計、數位媒體設計、互動設計三個領域的文獻資料,分析互動式數位媒體展示的設計製作原則與流程。再透過訪談具有實作經驗的設計師與管理者,從專案的角度探討互動式數位媒體展示設計專案執行流程。最後以研究者所屬的研究團隊所完成的三項實際個案,對照整理所得之專案執行流程,拆解每個執行階段應完成的事項,以及執行過程衍生的問題。經過分析與歸納之後,精簡專案執行的重要原則,提出解決問題的建議方案,供與有意從事互動式數位媒體展示設計專案的相關人士參考。


The relationship of art and technology has never been so closed to each other before. The integration of art and technology rises through different forms in different domains. Modern digital media exists in the virtual world as well as physical space that interacts people in a new way. The integration of art and technology can be found from art exhibitions to commercial displays such that the design concept and process must be introduce to incorporate the fast changing needs of customers and audiences. It is challenging to design and execute projects of modern interactive display that requires specialists from different domains. In this thesis, document analysis for the fields of display design, digital media design and interaction design is studied. The production principles and the process of interactive digital display are concluded. The researcher also interviewed the experts who are experienced in projects of interactive digital display to reveal the working flow and problems encountered. Three projects executed by the research group are analyzed. The structure of project process is induced and then applied to these projects to decompose into detailed procedure steps. Finally, the experience and suggestions from experts are concluded and organized to aid future researchers and project managers.


1.Project Management Institute (2004). A Guide to the Project Management body of Knowlede. Project Management Institute : Pennsylvania.
4.British Standards Institution (2008), BS7000-2:Guide to Managing Product Design. British Standards Institution, London.


