  • 學位論文


THE CASE ARDDMINISTRATION,JobRecogniuonana JoD Luectzveness of ArmyAvlacaon ilots-A e study Of RecoooalssanceBrigade of Coast Guard Administration

指導教授 : 李弘暉


行院海岸巡防署(以下簡稱海巡署)自89年初成立以來,即積極整合岸、海、港等查緝單位,規範統一指揮權責,本著「服務便民、保障合法、打擊非法」之施政目標,執行「攔截於海上、阻絕於岸際、查緝於內陸」之作為來達成使命。以每年查緝績效的統計中顯示,絕大部分的績效(槍械、毒品及非法入出國等)主來自於海岸巡防總局下設之各地區巡防局的機動查緝隊;由此而知,各機動查緝隊所屬查緝人員績效(工作)壓力不言而喻,隨箸資訊科技發展迅速,犯罪手法不斷的翻新與改變,改善社會治安儼然是查緝工作同仁刻不容緩的職責。 如何整合查緝隊員能力加強整合組織功能、保持組織成員的相互合作,讓各查緝隊員能充分發揮個人專長、潛能及運作,將是組織成功的最關鍵的要素,查緝隊員身負執法重任於查緝工作,不僅為少數特殊職類之一,且其在技能專長、體能健康.工作紀律與情緒管理上,更有強制性要求與資格限制,幾乎不具職能替代性。查緝隊員的核心能力,唯有依賴查緝隊員的組織(或團隊),集合組織中每個人的能力和特色,發揮團隊力量方能協力完成。 由於查緝隊員工作上所具有之特殊性及重要性,因此本研究認為對查緝隊員工作特性的認知程度,將影響其對工作的認同及態度,與積極參與程度。而查緝隊員對工作的投入程度也將影響於查緝隊員完成其任務之績效,並且從工作中得到個人能力肯定、人際關係、報酬獎勵等工作之內在與外在的滿足。因此本研究針對查緝隊員之工作特性認知、工作價值觀、組織文化、領導風格、工作投入.作滿意與工作績效等變項之關聯性加以探討,藉此對查緝隊員工作的生態有更多的了解。此外,本研究也對不同群組之查緝隊員加以探討其間之差異。 本研究以我海巡署機動查緝隊隊員為研究對象,經由文獻蒐整建立本研究之架構以及各研究構面之變項,並以問卷調查方式蒐集樣本,共計發出問卷320份,有效問卷301 份,有效問卷回收率達94%。本研究針對301 份有效問卷進行實證分析後,得到如下之結論: 1 工作特性認知、工作價值觀、組織文化、領導風格、工作投入、工作滿意與工作績效各構面間有顯著正向之關係。 2.不同任務群組之機動查緝隊隊員在各構面之認知沒有差異。 3.不同階級之機動查緝隊隊員在工作回饋性與工作安全性之認知有部分差異。 4.職業傷害症候集中在肝功能疾病、憂鬱症、失眠、胃潰瘍、下背痛、頸部疼痛病等。 5.海巡署機動查緝隊隊員提高離職傾向。


A procedure is Trip courtyard coast Xun defence since office( following abbreviation sea Xun office) sets up from beginning of 89, positive integrated bank and sea, Hong Kong's etc. check Ji unit, standard unified finger Bo right duty, in line with 「 clothes convenient the people and guarantee are legal , hit not law 」 administration goal, conducted heart Lan section on sea , hinderance unique in bank occasion , check Ji in inland 」 action come to reach mission. So as check every year Ji Ji statistics of effect states to show , unique greater part minute Ji effect( firearms and drug and not law enters go abroad etc.) God comes from in coast Xun defence the various places that department sets always Xun defence department flexible check Ji team 10 knows from this , each flexible check Ji team attached check Ji people Ji effect( work ) pressure not speech explains , follow Zhu the information development of science and technology is quick, criminal skill unceasing renovate and change, improving security of society nearly check Ji the duty with urgent working colleague How to integrated check Ji the ability of team member reinforced integrated organization function can , the cooperation of each other that maintains organization member , let each check Ji team member can develop personal specialty fully , Qian can and running, will organize function the most crucial essential factor, check Ji the body of team member undertakes to enforce the law important task in check Ji work, it is not only one of few special duty kinds, just it ability specialty and body can healthy working discipline and mood management go up , there are mandatory requirement and qualification restriction more, nearly, do not have function replacingness. Check Ji the key ability of team member, have only to rely on to check Ji the organization of team member( or group team), gather characteristic and the ability of joining every person in organization , develop group team strength side can be completed jointly. Since check Ji importance and the particularity had on the work of team member, therefore this research thinks as check Ji the working property of team member Ren know level, will affect its identification and attitude for work, and participate in level actively. Check Ji team member for work put in level also will influence in check Ji team member completes its task Ji effect, and in the ability that gets individual from work the works such as definite, person occasion relation and pay award and is external to satisfy. Therefore this research aims at to check Ji the working property of team member Ren know and work viewpoint of value, organization cultural, leading style and work put in to make satisfaction and work Ji effect etc. the association that changes item discusses , Ji this as check Ji the ecology of the work of team member has the more untie. Besides, this research also organizes for different crowd check Ji team member discusses between which discrepancy. Study with my sea Xun office flexible check Ji team team member for research is for elephant , via document whole installation each research as well as the architecture of research Gou surface change , with questionnaire inquiry square type, collect sample , total to give off 320copies of questionnaires , 301copies of effective questionnaires, effective questionnaire recovery rate reaches 94%. This research goes on according to 301copies of effective questionnaires really certificate minute Xi Hou, the conclusion that gets as follows : 1 working properties Ren know and work viewpoint of value, organization cultural, leading style and work put in and work to satisfy and work Ji effect each Gou surface smells , have notable just to relation. 2 different task crowd flexible group checks Ji team team member each Gou surface Ren know no discrepancy. 3 different flexible class checks Ji team team member work passes on sexual and working safety Ren know that there is department to divide into discrepancy. 4 professional injury disease times centralize liver function be fast ill , migraine, insommia, gastric ulcer and next backache , Geng department pain disease. 5 seas Xun office flexible check Ji the team raising of team member leaves job trend.


49.胡念祖,2004.「海巡人員教育與訓練機制之探討」,國家政協季刊,3 (3) : 219-228。


