  • 學位論文


The Research of Architectural Planning on Relationship Between Teaching and Teaching Space of Open- Space Schools-The Case Study of Open- Space Schools of Taipei.

指導教授 : 曾光宗


開放式小學教學活動與空間互動性之建築計畫研究 -以台北市開放式小學為例 私立中原大學建築學系碩士學位論文 中華民國九十二年七月 研 究 生:林育達 指導教授:曾光宗 【摘 要】 良好的學校教育,必須體察時代與社會的變革與需求在面對二十一新世紀的來臨與挑戰,世界各先進國家皆努力進行教育改革,並隨著教育環境、教育理念與教育哲學等一連串的改變,使教學與課程產生新的教學方法與理念,在各方面皆有著長足的進步,也使得目前的教育設施,從根本上做變遷的事成為可能。 建築學家Louis Sullivanm,提出現代學校建築的基本原則「形式跟隨功能」,成為建築師和教育工作者的基本目標。學校活動是學校建築計劃中的起點,即學校建築設計時需符合教學活動之需要,因此學校建築在規劃設計上最重要的考慮,乃是在於如何使該空間之運用能配合教學所需,滿足多樣化的教學目標與方法,及提供一個刺激或促進學童主動學習之教學環境。 學校建築是教育改革中最大的教具,反觀今日的社會裡,由於對教育現狀的要求,使得教學理念的革新與教學方法的開發,若干新設立的學校建築已經呈現明顯的轉型,基於此,本研究首先藉由資料的收集與文獻的回顧,瞭解教學理念的轉變與教學空間的變遷,再依據文獻的分析與現況的參訪選定研究對象,針對個案進行現況的觀察與紀錄,並對調查的結果進行歸納與分析,希望藉由開放教育的改革對教學活動的影響與教學空間的轉型,如何配合教學活動所需,提出下列研究課題與建議,以提供學校設施計畫的相關建議。 1、 了解教學活動的多樣性,經個案的現況調查與分 析,了解各教學活動的特徵與內容,進而將教學活動 分類。 2、 探討教學活動與教學空間的使用關係,從「單一教學 空間」與「複數教學空間」的教學空間使用分類及 「主要教學空間」與「輔助教學空間」的教學空間運 用類型與教學活動的關係。 3、 比較教學活動與教學空間使用之年級差異及教學空間 規劃與設施的關係,並提出教學空間的相關課題與建 議。 4、 解析教學空間的層次性與教學空間規劃設計的差異 性,並提出教學空間計劃的相關課題與建議,提供教 學空間規劃設計者、教育者、和研究者的參考。 關鍵字:建築計畫、開放式學校、教學活動、教學空間


The Research of Architectural Planning on Relationship Between Teaching and Teaching Space of Open- Space Schools-The Case Study of Open- Space Schools of Taipei. By Ui-Da Lin Thesis Adviser:Assistant Professor Kuang-Tsung, Tseng Submitted to the Graduate School of Architecture, Chung-Yung Christian University, Taiwan 2002 in Partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Master of Architecture 【Abstract】 A good’s education has to observe the change and a demand of society. Face to twenty-one century, the more progress country both progress innovation of education. The education’s content and arrange of class product new method and ideal that according to environment of teaching, ideal of teaching and philosophy of teaching. On every way, the basic change is impossible in teaching, especially school teaching facilities. The Architecture scholar Louis Sullivan have been provided the basic principle「form follow function」on Modern Architecture. The principle becomes basic goal of Architect and worker of teaching. All of school’s activity is begriming of school’s architecture planning. In other way, the architecture design of school must be conform teaching, so the most important think in school’s design is how to combine space and teaching, furthermore provide a diversify learning environment to learn from children by himself. Some school’s architecture has obvious change through innovation of teaching’s ideal and develops of teaching’s method. Base on above, first, the research collect information and documents to understand the change of teaching ideal and teaching space, furthermore according to document and choose goal to analysis, obvious and recording. The research purpose can provide some topic and suggestion about teaching’s activity and teaching space how to match for teaching by innovation of open teaching method. 1. To understand contents and diversity of every teaching activity by investigation and analysis of case. Besides, make different Kinds of teaching activity and provide related topic and suggestion. 2. To discuss teaching activity and teaching space relationship from what the teaching space are 「single teaching space」and「multiple teaching space」and the teaching activity 「major teaching space」and「auxiliary teaching space」. 3. To compare different grade class through space plan and teaching facility relationship. 4. To analysis difference between levels of teaching space and plan of teaching space in order to provide reference for space designer educator and research. Keywords:architectural planning、open- space schools、teaching、teaching space




