  • 學位論文


The Impact of Expectation Sources on Indebtedness


本論文的主要目的在於瞭解華人大學生在追求不同期許來源(自己、父母)之生活目標失敗後所產生的愧疚感,以及愧疚感如何影響未來繼續追求該目標的行為意圖。 以往研究曾經提出華人社會生活目標的分類:縱向成就目標、個人成就目標、以及共同成就目標等三種生活目標(陳舜文,2005;黃光國,2004,2009)。在本研究當中,研究者認為生活目標同時蘊含自我期許以及他人期許。綜合Bedford和Hwang (2003)、Kalat和Shiota (2006)、以及Tangney和Niedenthal (1998)對於羞恥感以及罪惡感的看法,研究者重新界定愧疚感之定義,並區分愧對自己與愧對父母兩種愧疚感的面向,以便於進一步探究期許來源與不同面向之愧疚感之間的關聯。 本研究參考Ajzen(1991)計畫行為理論(theory of planned behavior, TPB),探討當個人未達到目標時,期許來源以及自我效能感與後續未來行為意圖之間的關聯,以及愧疚感的中介效果。本研究將藉由SEM統計技術進行路徑分析,以便得知變項之間的整體關係。 研究參與者為263位大學在學學生,研究工具為研究者自編問卷,測量變項為自我期許、父母期許、自我效能、愧對父母、愧對自己、行為意圖、自我決定等七個變項。研究者採用SEM統計分析以檢驗期許來源、自我效能與愧疚感和行為意圖之間的關係。根據研究結果得知,三種生活目標模式分析之結果大致相似:當個人未達到的生活目標之自我期許愈高,個人愧對自己的感受愈強;當個人未達到的生活目標之父母期許愈高,個人愧對父母的感受愈強;而個人愧對自己的感受愈強,在未來的行為意圖上則傾向繼續追求目標;個人對於自己追求該目標擁有愈高的自我效能感,未來的行為意圖也傾向繼續追求目標;愧對自己的情緒感受在自我期許與未來行為意圖之間具有中介效果。 本研究研究參與者同質性過高,且外效度受限於研究的測量工具。未來研究可進一步探討不同發展階段的重要生活目標、參與者自身重視的具體生活目標事件,且更詳細地區分行為意圖的不同層面,並且探討愧疚感在人際關係當中的作用。


This study was aimed to understand the relationships among expectation sources of life goals (parents vs. oneself), indebtedness, and behavior intention. Previous studies distinguished different kinds of life goals in Confucian societies: social-constructed goal, personal goal, and joint goal(Chen, 2005; Hwang, 2004, 2009). The author proposed that life goals contain expectations from oneself and others. Based on the concepts of shame and guilt offered by Bedford and Hwang (2003), Kalat and Shiota (2006), and Tangney and Niedenthal (1998), the researchers redefined two aspects of indebtedness, namely indebtedness to parents and indebtedness to oneself. Ajzen’s (1991) theory of planned behavior (TPB) was applied to explore the antecedents of behavioral intention. When the individuals failed to attain life goals, expectations from oneself or parents and self-efficacy predicted the intention to pursuit the same goal, and indebtedness mediated between expectation and behavioral intention. Structural equation model analysis was used to explore the path among expectation of life goal, indebtedness, and behavior intention. 263 undergraduates students served as participants, and self-designed questionnaire was used to measure self-expectations, parent-expectations, self-efficacy, indebtedness to oneself, indebtedness to parents, and behavior intention. Structural Equation Model analysis was conducted to examine the relationships among those variables. SEM models of three life goals were generally similar: when the individual failed to attain the goal of high self-expectations, they tended to have stronger indebtedness to themselves. On the contrary, when they failed to achieve the goal with high expectations from parents, they felt indebtedness to parents. Furthermore, indebtedness of oneself predicted subsequent behavior. As the participants felt more indebtedness to themselves, they would persist in pursuing the life goals. High self-efficacy also predicted the intention of pursuing life goals. In summary, sources of expectation corresponded to the targets of indebtedness. Indebtedness served as the motivation of persistently pursuing life goal. The external validity of results was limited due to university student samples and the measurement. Future research could further explore importance life goals in different development life stages, and specific life goals based on real-life experiences, and various aspects of behavioral intentions, and the role of indebtedness in interpersonal relationships.


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