  • 學位論文

基督教在客庄教會歷史的探討- 以新埔基督長老教會為例

An Analysis of the History of Hakka Christian Church A case study of Hsin-pu Presbyterian Church

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基督教在客庄教會歷史的探討- 以新埔基督長老教會為例 摘 要 本研究主要是針對基督教在客庄教會歷史的探討,並以新埔基督長老教會為例。首先透過認識客家歷史源流、精神、人口結構、民族特性、信仰來解構台灣客家族群,繼而探討基督教在台灣的發展歷史、基督教長老教會來台宣教緣起及時代變遷,最後對歷經百年歷史之新埔基督長老教會作深入的探討及研究。 座落於新竹縣新埔鎮客家庄的新埔基督長老教會教勢發展及興衰,是研究基督教在台灣客家宣教的縮小版歷史,本研究擬透過對其之研究,認識基督教在台灣客庄宣教的百年興衰與困難。 在基督教宣教的歷史中,客家人是隱藏的一群,客庄教會也是被宣教忽略的教會,資源缺乏窮困的客庄教會,在時代的動盪及變遷中,時而消失,時而復見,許多的客庄弱小教會經不起考驗及軟弱,消失在歷史洪流中。新埔基督長老教會雖然也是一間座落於鄉下的小教會,但因著許多牧者不求回報的奉獻及信徒堅定的信心,透過家族的傳承 ,讓該教會雖歷經改朝換代及不同政權統治,不但沒有在動盪貧困中消失,在最艱困的台灣剛光復時期,還協助牧養鄰近缺乏牧師的關西基督長老教會,與其它客庄教會一起度過難關,更在1956年與新竹聖經書院共同開拓竹北基督長老教會,自身也成為許多牧師、傳道人及長執的孕育所,並在2010年10月歡慶成立百週年紀念,成為北部第三間歷經百年之長老教會。 本研究期待透過對新埔基督長老教會的剖析能對基督教客家宣教及客庄教會歷史有所探討外,更期待能深入瞭解客庄教會所面臨的轉變及展望,作為未來客家宣教及客庄教會之參考及借鏡。


An Analysis of the History of Hakka Christian Church A case study of Hsin-pu Presbyterian Church Abstract In this thesis the main focus of inquiry is centered on the history of the Hakka Church, and the purpose of providing an example the Hsin-pu Presbyterian Church will be used. The first portion of this composition will deconstruct the Hakka ethnic group through the recognition of the origins and consciousness of Taiwan's Hakka in addition to this the population and Hakka ethnic history; ethnic characteristics; beliefs and population analysis will also be considered. Second, a discussion of the development of Christianity in Taiwan, along with genesis of Presbyterian Church evangelizing as well as generational changes will be conducted. Upon this a more in-depth discussion and study will focus on the extensive history of Hsin-pu Presbyterian Church. The Hsin-pu Presbyterian Church provides a miniature history for the study of Christian evangelism in Taiwan. Based upon research that was done on the Presbyterian Church of the Hakka town of Huang-pu in Hsinzu county, this study will provide an understanding of the ups and downs of Christian evangelism in Taiwan Hakka villages. Throughout the history of Christian evangelism, the Hakka people have remained a hidden group; Hakka churches have also been ignored by evangelism. The resource-lacking and poverty stricken Hakka village churches, through the twists and turns of time, have occasionally disappeared only to later reappear. There are also many Hakka village churches that were unable to stand up to the tests of time and in their weakness they were washed away in histories mighty torrent. Although the Hsin-pu Presbyterian Church is but a tiny church located in the country side, because of its many pastors who have expected nothing in return for their efforts and the steadfast faith of its believers it has endured – and what is even more worthy of its merit in this regard is the fact that the Hsin-pu Presbyterian Church the members of its congregation are strikingly similar to many country-side churches. Most of the churches congregations are made up by family members and positions within are passed on by means of inheritance. It has been because of the steadfast faith of the believers like these that the Hsin-pu Presbyterian Church has managed to become the third Presbyterian Church of northern Taiwan to last for over a century. Although the nation has seen political change and different regimes, the Hsin-pu Presbyterian Church has managed not only to stay remain, but has also produced many pastors, missionaries, elders and deacons. In 1956 the Hsin-pu Presbyterian Church together with the Hsin-zhu Bible College, established the Zhu-bei Presbyterian Church and while Taiwan was barely recovering from the difficulties that it had been suffering, the Hsin-pu Presbyterian Church assisted in raising of a pastor for the Guanxi Presbyterian Church which was in need – allowing for the Hakka village churches to work through their difficulties together. It is very exciting to be able to use the Hsin-pu Presbyterian Church example to discuss Christian evangelizing to the Hakka people and the history of the Hakka Church, but what is even more inspiring is the way in which an understanding of the changes that the Hakka church has faced and their future expectations will be able to be used as reference and example for future Hakka evangelism in the Hakka church。


3. 行政院客家委員會97年度全國客家人口基礎資料調查研究報告。
6. 林金水著,《台灣基督教會史》,北京:九州出版社,2003年7月。
14. 馬偕著,周學普譯,《台灣六記》,台北:臺灣銀行經濟研究室編台灣研究叢刊第六
15. 松本一男著,《客家人的力量》,台北:新潮社文化事業股份有限公司,2008年。


