  • 學位論文

SharePoint 知識管理系統設計

SharePoint Knowledge Management System Design


隨著資訊發展越來越迅速,資料的取得已經越來越容易。如何將有用的資料變成資訊,再轉換成知識進而變成智慧是各家企業都想研究的主要課題。知識管理已經不再是個新名詞,但是如何有效地實行卻仍是個熱門話題。把個人及群體得到的知識進行有效管理,則是知識管理的最根本目的。知識管理的第一步是把隱性知識顯化成顯性知識,然後加以保存。而保存的形式,可以是文字、聲音或錄像。久而久之,保存了的顯性知識匯集成一個知識庫,而知識庫裡的東西需要不斷的更新以確保透過知識庫而進行持續而有效率的知識分享。與此同時,在人事培訓方面,需著重於員工資訊素養的提升以令知識庫能得到更有效的運用。另外,有時候知識庫的環節會被跳過,取而代之的是持續的社交性知識分享行為。要達致持續的分享,企業內部的學習氛圍與個人的學習動力尤其重要,而企業文化及人事管理政策是左右企業內部的學習氛圍的主要項目。良好的學習氛圍與知識庫的應用,可提高組織的創新能力、反應能力、生產率以及技術技能[1]。 因此我們以SharePoint平台來做為知識管理系統的協同合作入口網站,此外SharePoint平台又可與InfoPath及Nintex Workflow做整合。所以透過Nintex Workflow進行知識文件發佈的流程設計工具以及InfoPath做為審核的電子表單工具,大大地降低了開發的成本以及工時。再以Facebook社群概念進行知識的分享以及傳承。


Nowadays, most companies have the same feeling that the intensity of competition is stronger than before. And it is harder to harder to maintain the company’s work force because team member with good skill may receive offer from competitors. Thus keeping the know-how and knowledge within the company becomes one of the most important issues that each company has to deal with. One solution is to provide sufficient assistance to existing work force members to learn and to discover new knowledge. In order to achieve this goal, we need a system that can automate the process of submitting written technical papers to a special web site assigned by the company and to automate the process of editing and classifying papers and knowledge. To achieve this goal, we purpose to create a document management system on Microsoft’s SharePoint Server. SharePoint Server can provide a ready-to-use enterprise information portal and an environment that can support the deployment of workflow solutions need. A very good workflow engine that can integrate with SharePoint Server is Nintex Workflow 2010. By using Nintex Workflow 2010, we can use Microsoft’s InfoPath to provide a flexible user interface to provide all the data entry functions that we may need with little effort spent on coding. The outcome is a Knowledge Management system that can provide efficiency and flexibility for various kinds of companies. In the future, we will proceed to extend our work by adopting features that we can easily found in Facebook, providing a more user friendly system of accessing knowledge that we may need.


[1]維基百科(2011)。取自 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%9F%A5%E8%AD%98%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86。
[3]SharePoint 2010新一代企業綱站及協同合作平台(2010)。取自http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/sharepoint2010/。
[4]Nintex Workflow(2010)。Retrieved from http://www.nintex.com/en-US/Products/Pages/NintexWorkflow2010.aspx。


