  • 學位論文


An Observation of Judicial Practice and Study on“Unpaid Leave”-case Study on development from 2008 until now

指導教授 : 吳姿慧


2008年因雷曼兄弟事件引發全球性金融危機,對全球經濟產生連鎖衝擊,企業面臨景氣急速下滑導致事業單位訂單大幅減少進而影響公司之運作,企業以縮減工時、工資為之因應,使得勞工面臨家庭生計之問題,當時稱之為「無薪休假」。 「無薪休假」並非法律名詞,並非一法律概念,本文統整為文討論過該議題之文獻,且由於勞工與雇主間地位之不平等,因此雖然法院認為於無薪休假期間需勞雇雙方合意始得實施,但仍然有解釋上之疑慮等爭議,故本文亦整理從2008年金融海嘯爆發至今相關行政機關、法院及學者之態度與趨勢發展,盡可能將期間所引發之議題各方所表示之相同、相異之見解作統整,又依據行政院主計處之統計,我國國民年平均所得為47萬元至54萬元之間,無薪休假期間所涉之爭議金額大多不會超過得上訴第三審的逾150萬元,因此本文所整理之判決大多為地方法院與高等法院,希望得以供將來相關議題之從事司法實務工作者得以明瞭並方便運作。 最後介紹德國行之有年之「短工制度」與我國於2010年5月所制訂之「僱用安定措施」作對照,因後者尚未有機會啟動,因此本文希望藉此對照可供將來運作上之一些參考及評估。


Since Lehman Shock lead into the global financial crisis in 2008, it continuously impacted on the global economy. Enterprises reduce working hours and wages to face with the rapid decline in the prosperity which made institutions got much less order then affect its operation. Finally, laborers have to confront with problems of livelihood, then it’s known as “unpaid leave” “Unpaid leave” is neither a jargon of law nor legal concept, this thesis collates the documents which discuss it. Court considers that the period time of unpaid leave will be carried out after an agreement between laborers and employers, because there is an unequal status between them. However, the issue about the implementation still remains controversial. “Therefore this thesis organizes the opinions and trends of administrations , courts , and scholars, and try to present the same or different subjects discussed by various kinds of people from 2008 until now. Based on the statistics which is made by Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, R.O.C (Taiwan), the national average annual income in R.O.C is between 470,000 to 540,000 NT dollars. The amount of money that is involved in most cases of period time of unpaid leave doesn’t exceed 1,500,000 which is the limitation of standard to appeal third trial. Consequently, this thesis organizes the judgements, which are made by first courts and high courts, and expect to help law practitioners whose work is relevant with the topic of the thesis to know and operate well. Finally, this thesis will introduce and compare “temporary work ”that is for ages from Germany with “employment stability measures” which was legislated in May 2010 in R.O.C, because the latter one was not started yet. This thesis wants to resort to contrast both mentioned above which could supply some references and suggestions for future use.


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