  • 學位論文


Preliminary Study on Material-Flow System and Its Establishment in Taiwan

指導教授 : 何瓊芳


中文提要 經濟發展常須使用到環境與自然資源,但人類生存環境的保護和經濟持續發展往往很難兩者兼得。在近年來環境保護意識的蓬勃發展帶動了總體資源之分配效率的評估熱潮,許多環境經濟學者試圖將各個經濟體系之措施與其使用的環境加以連結,以便實際計算各該經濟活動對人煩真正價值,該價值不僅包含市場價格機能所計算的有價部份,亦包含無法進入市場體系計值,卻對稀有的環境資源有影響的實質價值部份。在這樣的趨勢下,本研究以Wernick and Ausbel(1995a)兩人及World Resource Institute (WRI, 1997)所建立之國家物質流帳為研究架構,追蹤物質從自然界開採進入人類經濟體系中,並經由經濟活動在人類社會移動,最後回到自然環境中的情形。Wernick and Ausbel 提出之美國之國家物質流帳與WRI四國人員之物質流架構係利用物質平衡之「投入-產出」觀念,以重量為單位建置物質之使用及需求情形,其範圍涵蓋物質從自然環境被開採經製造、消費回歸自然環境過程。本研究在物質投入方面,蒐集了台灣能源、金屬、工業礦產品、建築材料、及農林漁牧物質之國內自產、國外進口資料,並參考國內外相關研究與文獻估計台灣物質流之隱藏流與土壤流失。在物質產出方面,蒐集台灣能源、金屬、工業礦產品、建築材料、及農林漁牧物質之出口資料,以及對物質產出面廢棄物資料作資料品質檢定。利用所得之資料建立台灣整體物質流帳,計算台灣總物質需求(total material requirement, TMR)並以TMR/GDP代替使用集中度(intensity of use, IU)、進行EKC(environment Kuznets curve)、IPAT(impact-pollution-affluence-technology)分解分析、個別物質需求跨國分析。另外分析平均每人每日垃圾量、營建剩餘土石方、事業廢棄物未妥善處理率、及使用後剩餘集中度等相關指標。經過本研究分析得到以下幾點重要結果。1.台灣從國外進口物質逐年增加,取代國內逐漸耗竭之資源。2.估計出台灣特有之物質隱藏流,如金、大理石、石灰石及蛇紋石等物質隱藏流3.我國與日本同屬島嶼地形,每人物質需求水準相近。4.我國在某些技術層面不如美、日、德、荷四國。5.平均每人每日垃圾清運量歷年變化不大。6.台灣不會有因所得增加帶來垃圾量增加的情形。7.各國每人個別物質需求以該國產業結構決定,以及個別物質需求亦會反應各國經濟情形。


物質流 隱藏流


Abstract In performing economic activities, there should have prices charged for deteriorating our environment, extracting resources, and emitting pollutants and wastes. However the conventional national economic accounts do not spell out these prices even though they do include the costs for those activities that entail environmental modification or use natural resources with potential impact. For example, the measure of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)does not take into account the migration processing of the large quantities of materials that have no market value. Many industrial countries such as the United States, Japan, Germany and Netherlands started to estimate their national material flows prior to 1990s(Wernick and Ausbel, 1995a; WRI, 1997). The purposes of their actions emphasized not only to check the efficiency of material usage, but also to internalize the external costs to many different economic activities such as input, output, production, transportation, consumption, international trading, and recycling. All of the industrial material flows and the hidden flows of materials are measured by weight in this study. This measuring method can avoid the controversial value assessments in counting green GNP (Gross National Product), while provides a comprehensive value assessment tool to actually describe the profile of economic growth and environment protection that an economy fulfills. The measurement of Taiwan’s material flows is based and counstructed on the balance of inputs and outputs. Some standard indices and indicators explaining the real performance of Taiwan’s industries are then established. The material flows of Taiwan’s mining, extracting, production, transportation, import, export, consumption, recycling, erosions, and emissions are traced and examined. The hidden flows associated with economic activities are also counted. Furthermore, the dead weight losses from extra excavation are included. In addition, this study also employs the IPAT (impact–pollution– affluence-technology) method and EKC (environment Kuznets curve) to compare the performances among Taiwan, the United States, Japan, Germany, and Nethlands by using the data of material flows. According to the results of this study, one gets several conclusions as follows. 1. Taiwan imports more and more materials from abroad year bye year due to its insufficient natural resource. 2. Taiwan’s per capita material requirement is equivalent to that of Japan’s. 3. The levels of a few mining technologies of Taiwan are not as advanced as those of the United States, Japan, Germany, and Nethlands’. 4. The annual trends of Taiwan’s per capita daily trash quantity remain stationary in recent years. 5. The amount of per capita material requirement depends on the industrial structure of a nation, and reflects the national economic situations as a whole.


hidden flows material flows


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2. Ausubel, J.H, “Industrial Ecology:Reflections on a Colloquium,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89(3) pp. 879-884 (1992).
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