  • 學位論文

『釀造城事』——— 以建國啤酒廠產業活保存與周邊地區都市設計為例

The Brewing of History City——On the case of〝Dynamic〞Industry-Preservation of Chien-Kuo Breweries and Urban Design of It’s Surrounding Areas

指導教授 : 喻肇青


由於都市歷史發展與結構的轉變,都市中具文化價值的產業活動,局限於所有者對土地經濟性與商業開發的考量,忽略了產業文化的保存是可與開發並行不悖的,而使得產業文化亦面臨轉型與消逝的窘境。本論文試圖以建國啤酒廠啤酒產業文化保存為對象,擬提都市設計之規劃方案,探討產業文化保存與促進周圍地區環境再生之相關課題與方式。 主要內容分為兩個主題: 產業文化保存的基本課題:首先經由對基地背景的理解與建國啤酒廠在都市文化空間發展脈絡的分析與定位,以都市保育的理念為基礎,透過都市設計的操作提出說明與分析,進行產業文化保存、維護、活化與再生。而都市保育的行動乃為由點的成果擴展到面的網路,促進地區發展提升生活品質,達到都市文化空間的永續經營。 建國啤酒廠保存行動的經驗:此部份乃針對建國啤酒廠產業工會在產業文化保存行動過程中,提出工會版本的「建國啤酒廠生產線活保存」方案說明。此提案所進行的規劃,為根據三項前提下(一)在不中斷生產的原則下,保留一條年生產線150萬打之生產線。(二)在不影響開發工程的原則下,以階段性保存及長期性保存兩個階段進行之。(三)在不影響原委託研究案開發範圍的原則下,適宜保存原有生產線設備及歷史建築,並配合增設必要設施及空間,以彰顯產業保存之精神。其目標為確定廠區建物與設備之保存價值及範圍界定,研提具有保存價值建物及生產線營運之可行方案。


The city structure changes with the historical developments. In the process of the city changing, lots of old industries have still existed in the city. Some of the remains of the old industries become the industrial space. And such industrial areas possess the value of preservation. But due to the economic benefit of the land exploitation, the industrial space and industrial cultures are vanishing day by day. The thesis cited Chien-Kuo Breweries as a case to discuss the issue of “Dynamic” industrial-Preservation and Urban Design of it’s surrounding areas of old industries, and how to deal with the conflict when facing the dilemma of preserving the old industrial culture and exploiting the land. The thesis consists of two main episodes. The first episode The topic of industrial-preservation: Firstly, tried to find out the breweries’ development sequence and significance through the survey and understanding. Then, proceeded to design a city-manufacture on the basis of city preserving and bring up a mode to preserve an industry dynamically. Besides, deliberated from network view to extent the city cultural space and create the 「Cultural Maps」. Furthermore, industrial-preservation could contribute to promoting the development of cultural area and to promoting the living quality. Eventually it will lead to achieve a lasting development of our city. The second episode The experience of Chien-Kuo Breweries in preserving the industrial culture: During the action of Industrial-Preservation, The writer tried to bring up Dynamic mode of Chien-Kuo Breweries with its labor union, and appealed to win approval of the public and the community. The project was devised according to the following premises: (1) The project tried to preserve an output line which could manufacture 15 million dozen annually without halting the production. (2)The project adopted two programs, sequential preservation and long-term preservation. Moreover, the development of the project would not affect the construction of the industry. (3)For displaying the essence of industrial preservation, the project tried to preserve the output-line equipment, historical structure appropriately and facilities areas. Moreover, the development of the project would not affect the construction of the industry.


中原大學建築研究所 樂山化基金會
Aldo Rossi,著 施植明,譯
Jonathan Barnett,著 謝慶達,譯


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